I'm done with SOD, BM is now dead. Pets deleted & multiple stat changes

Get your pet to higher loyalty, then you can feed it less and it will remain happy :slight_smile: . I don’t mind this personally, but can understand why some people take issue with it.

The class is just not well looked after by Blizzard, but Hunters have a lot of respect for fellow hunters :slight_smile: and you can still try to enjoy it, if possible after the undeserved and ill thought out nerfs.

yeah hunter is probably the only class i can play with my real life, i dont have any in game friends so i have to solo often and with my wife and puppy, (both kids are grown up and out of the house) I get called away for what could be a minute but sometimes turns out to be long enough to kick me to character select.

I guess the other class i could play is rogue and just steath while im away.

I just like pets, I love animals.

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Buff hunter pets.


/ 10 / 10

Oh no hunter went from the S tier to…still S tier. God dammit Blizzard how dare you hate hunters so much!

I’ve written it off too. Retail has been dead to me for several expacs. Lich king is winding down. Seaons are a joke. I’ve finally reached the end with blizzard games. It’s obvious all the talent fled this company.

Your SoD hunter would decimate an equivalent, Vanilla hunter.

I love how people are so quick to jump on the “yeah you deserve it, **** Hunters!” bandwagon. Like they legit love the fact that Hunters are getting rolling nerfs.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think the big issue is the Beast Mastery Rune. It’s not well thought out and surely wasn’t tested before release. 30% Damage and HP is a lot plus 15% hp from talents and plus like 30% armor from talents too. That being said, I feel like a lot of people forgot that BM Hunter was very strong in Vanilla and BC when it came to PvP…and y’all just forgot.

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You cant play a hunter without expecting nerfs. The playerbase especially those that play warriors scream bloody murder if hunters or hunter pets out dps them.

As a player that has played the class since 2004 you have to overcome and adapt to the nerfs or just reroll.

Scorpids were never a popular pet in vanilla or classic. It was cats boars owls bats and wolves.

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I agree.

They needed to not touch the pets base scaling and first remove the 30% bonus hp from this and replace it with avoidance.

Then tone the damage down in increments. From 30 to 25 or 20 and reevaluate from there. Then maybe touch the base scaling a little.

The scorid applying all of its rap scaling on first tick was a bug that needed fixing.


Gotta love the VENOMOUS attacks on ANYONE who dares have a different opinion to Hunter Hate Mob on SoD about Hunters. You people are the worst toxic group of people I have ever seen play WoW.

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If only you had a totem which has an aoe slow and the ability to dispel poison or something.

So play one of the other 2 hunter specs.

It feels like if somebody with any form of slow gets into melee with you, which is immensely easy now, you have no tools at your disposal to reestablish range and no pet to help fend them off. You just lose.

Hunters have none of the talents necessary to peel or kite now that everybody can gap close from runes. People reveling in hunters’ pets being weaker need to be fair and advocate for something to make them able to perform at the distance they were designed to in PVP.

It shouldn’t be the case that anybody who comes near you just wins for free.

This thread is so great.

Bugged hunter pet doing 98% more dps than intended, effortlessly 1v1ing people with a dot proc? TOTALLY FINE BRO IT’S OKAY HUNTERS NEED IT XDDD

Bugged hunter pet crushing everyone at ranged with petcast macros, effortlessly 1v1ing people? TOTALLY FINE BRO ITS OKAY HUNTERS NEED IT XDDDD

Multi-Serp out dpsing entire parties? TOTALLY FINE BRO ITS OKAY HUNTERS NEED IT XDDDD


If you want to play the easiest to play class in WoW history - openly advertised as the beginner class circa classic launch… The class nodded as designed for unskilled and/or amateur players to be able to excel at due to having a bring-a-buddy pet… If you want to be the class that’s entire skillcap is “I only clipped my autoshot 9 times this boss!”…

You can’t also be the strongest. I’m sorry. You can’t. You can’t be the easiest to play, and also be S+ tier.

The hilarity/short sightedness of people saying things like this:

It shouldn’t be the case that anybody who comes near you just wins for free.

when hunter PETS. AI. Non-controlled game-based automatic mechanics. are 100-0’ing people in a single dot while the hunter S key’s backwards spamming conc shot? Like, you don’t want competition: You want to slaughter everyone with your pet, and think that’s totally fair/fine.

and it’s not.

1 human hunter leaves, 15 hunter bots take their place.

If you’re “done with SOD” then delete your character, delete the game, and move on. Stop making new posts crying about the same thing every day please.

Dude, that is not the same at all but nice try. Give us Earth Grab root and then sure, but until then its a very dumb thing to have to be forced into CC’n the pet while the hunter already can do tremendous damage later on.

And this is right now before they get deep beast mastery and the pet literally cannot be stopped unless its killed… So what are players suppose to do then when Barny the angry raptor is eating your face and you literally cant stop the thing unless you kill it…

And sure Ele sham, zap zap DED but not every class has that luxury at 60 either.

OP needs to relax lol. His threads created in just the last 2 days:

I’m done with SOD, BM is now dead. Multiple stat changes, worse than Vanilla

What is Blizzard doing with Hunter? Stats should be the same as Vanilla! Not Worse!

All these nerfs take away from the classic wow experience

Is Blizzard refunding me 2 weeks of sub money?

SOD was a scam. Hunter will be trash at 60 if it gets pet armor/hp nerf

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Still the #1 DPS class in PvP, #1 in PvE, and at worst #2 but realistically #1 regardless as in many fights rogues don’t get to have 100% uptime. I would hardly call that unusable and have a hard time taking you people seriously when you complain like this.

If you say it’s not fun playing Hunter because the new runes are not good enough for you I can understand that, but they are still the best class regardless of how you feel about it. They were over-tuned and still are the best after getting “nuked” as you call it.