I'm done with SOD, BM is now dead. Pets deleted & multiple stat changes

U overestimate ur importance, friend.


Have you heard of BM hunter before??? I have a respectable retail arena rating/achievements on multiple classes, including yours!!!

BM = beast mastery, what do you think it’s suppose to be! I don’t want to do damage with my bow, I want my bow to be weak but my pet to be strong!!!

Blizzard nerfed multiple BM hunter things that now perform better in Vanilla wow.!!! Pet HP & Armor from 45% down to 20% and of course the scorpion does more damage in Vanilla WoW now too!!!

If anything they should’ve made class specific runes, because the meta is MM with BM runes. I was full BM spec, but now I’m AH spec. All I do is AH now because my spec got ruined by meta gamers and people that don’t understand Hunter at low levels!!!

wind serpent isn’t nerfed but it will be soon, hitting for 170 damage lmfao

You should cry about it more, that’ll help. Or you could leave the forums like you said you were going to. :clown_face:

Updated main post and title to better describe my concerns, hopefully you will read it and give it a second thought. Imagine these things were done to your class!?!?! I believe these are legitimate concerns. You can hit me all you want, I’m immune to everything negative that people say and all rude behavior.

Here let me give you a :clap: for your rating and achievements? as we all know level 25 is the be all end all. I look forward to your complaining at lvl 40.

play a real class

I’ve played every class at max level (retail) at some point in time, and have played my fair share of Turbo/Thunder in the arena. For SOD I wanted to play the BM hunter. Pet classes are interesting to me at the moment.

People should feel free to play the class they want in SOD and not have stat nerfs!!!

I understand nerfing the runes or things added to the game to balance it, but don’t tough my Vanilla stats & abilities!!! (HP/Armor/Scorpion).

Wait, but didn’t in SoD they add pet scaling. It isn’t Vanilla stats at all they touched but more so adjusted the SoD scaling. Isn’t that the whole issue that now it’s going back to Classic? Owls and Cats.

In actual fact I’m positive nothing from Vanilla has been touched at all. So you’re safe in terms of Vanilla being untouched! Which is a good thing!

You’re clearly terrible at pvp. I’d suggest watching some decent players so you can learn.

While I agree the runes are boring. People go BM now because they gutted explosive, chimera was always crap and got worse and melee is half baked and broken. It’s basically the only not broken option, up until now.

You’ve played Priest? Particularly Shadow? If you want Bull crap game play try that then go Hunter and you’ll realise maybe Hunter ain’t so bad after all.

I leveled a real vanilla to check before posting. All areas are higher. HP/Armor/Scorpion!!!

But I don’t think that’s how scaling works…especially in WoW, that’s like how when they scaled us back to lvl 60, our stats were lower but still infinitely stronger.

I guarantee you, my Hunter on Era be it only lvl 43 so my talents go a lot further, Pets in SoD still hits insanely harder and still Tankier then on Era lol. Running Broken Tooth.

Seriously nothing in vanilla has been touched. It may look it, maybe from a fresh level player, but SoD pets are far better then in Era.

Yeah overall there is more damage, of course there because of the runes. Scorpion poison , hp and armor is better on vanilla. Nerfed in SOD.

Test it out yourself! Someone should make a video on it, it would get a lot of views.

I wish the average person understood math. Guess ill just have to deal with idiots instead

my night elf hunter is 16 and i was fighting stuff on darkshore that was level 17 and 18… if my rake (cat pet) attacked the level 18 mobs the damage if it hit (which is 1 out of 10 attacks) was only 1hp of damage… the level 17 it hit for 7 and 8s…

im confused, what the hell happened to my pet? even with bm gloves on, i pull aggro off the mob with my pet full taunting and im using a level 4 bow (yes, level 4 bow)…

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Yep. It’s just a lot of other people don’t seem to understand. They’re all about raid logs, that’s the game to them. Your hunter has been broken by nerfs and we’re the only glass that has received stat nerfs to our characters ( and yes our pet is part of our character, deal with it haters!)

it just sucks…

also cant they frigging fix out pets to come at 100% when recalled after a flight path? Can you imagine a rogue or warrior having to repair thier melee weapons each time they use a flight path and if they didnt, they would have a random chance thier weapons just go Pooof… (aka our pets lose 50% happiness each time we use a flight path and if we dont feed it, it could just run away)… so frustrating

it would be funny to see that day… rogue 1 wins the blessed windseeker super sword… ahhh at last he says holding up in victory! hops on a flight path and lands… reaches for his sword and it says… sorry blessed windseeker, saught a new owner, you didnt polish it after you landed.