I'm done with SOD, BM is now dead. Pets deleted & multiple stat changes

Make Imps great for once…

His videos showcase that the numbers seem fine post nerf, even chimera shot.

So we havent played lvl 60 yet with new content or new runes but your trying to justify why BM specd hunters pets destroying people is ok? Based off content you have never played?


None of the hunters I know are complaining - let Blizz figure out how to BALANCE your class and kindly have a seat.

Pets soloing level 30mobs and 1v1ing geared PvPers is not intentional. You are not getting nerfed, you are getting BALANCED.

QQ TT more -

Hunters are still strong. #1 soloer and now 2nd on DPS in raid. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Imagine being top of the line and still complaining.

Go play another class and get some perspective, play the game, or don’t. Fact of the matter is that you signed a EULA saying Blizz can do whatever they want and they’re doing their best. If you were smart enough to get it done yourself then apply for a job there and do it.

Happy looting~

They have been trying that for years they will never get it right lol

Imagine feeling persecuted for not being allowed 2x the power of everyone else. How odd.

Yeah scorp and wind pets were very strong I just wish they could have just nerfed explosive shot andd made it not share cool down with aimed/arcane shot instead of gutting it into a niche aoe and chimera shot uses to much mana for what it does so we could have some new stuff too.

Maybe they should make kill command like the TBC version.

11/12 runes are useless blizzard is slacking one rune to go blizzard let’s go…

I think maybe the thing that actually bothers me about this is the hunter has to give up 2 whole rune slots and any chance an interesting rotation to even have the pet hit that hard in the first place, and only once per minute really.

You aren’t getting that big damage hit without both beast mastery rune and kill command both, so you’re giving up explosive or chimera shot on legs, in addition to…eh, flanking strike on hands I think? I’m not at my PC right now, just going from memory.

But anyways, giving up decent abilities as well as going down the beast tree anyways which is mostly pet health, armor or utility before the pet damage increase talents, kinda leaves you with just serpent sting, multi shot and white damage. That’s arguably all the buttons you’ve actually got to play with since arcane drains the mana pool so quickly.

Too me, that’s just really boring playstyle to pigeon hole yourself into just so the pet can hit really hard once a minute. I’d really like to see discussion about how to make beast mastery more fun to play more than anything for SoD. Regardless of damage level or skill, I just wanna see new options and maybe more thought put into ‘how’ beast mastery can play.

nerf rouges, all rouges need to be nerfed . everyone band toether and lets start nerfing everything and anything


I still see people parsing well with them on WCL.


You included.

nerf rouges

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nerf warrior nerf feral nerf rouges

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Beginner class big mad over AI not winning the game for you anymore.


youre right, we need to nerf auto attack carrying rouges and feral

Yes, tell that to Shaman who can’t.

I don’t care about wind serpent being OP in pvp most of you are terrible and ez hks anyways.

Its the fact that hunter now has NO runes worth a crap UNLESS you play BM and auot/multi all day.

Its 2004 hunter and this is season of discovery for everyone except the hunter?

I would much rather use abilities that do damage in comparison to warrior/rogue than sit and auto shot all day while my pet does all the damage.

Chim shot is not good it cost way to much mana. He doesn’t raid with chim shot fyi


Lol we’re terrible but your here complaining that your pet can no lknger solo people in pvp. Sounds like your terrible and need the pet as a huge crutch. I get it tho the sky is falling at lvl 25 the other 35 lvls probably wont matter anyways


Eh. No one likes hunters anyways. Good riddance.

Man, you must not be playing a shadow priest alt.

Grow up lol

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