I'm done. Untuned, Untested Garbage

I’m so happy to see so many people agreeing that the end game content is too hard. It’s like I have to try and find a way to enjoy it.

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If I was you would have 12+ million people to play with, trust me.

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Delves are… weird as a caster. Devoker isn’t too bad, I feel like I’m needing a bit more defensive capability.

Spriest was just dog S*** because everything walks faster than I do so kiting is 0.

I’m leveling up my Aff Lock right now and curious to see how it goes. Lock has always been pretty good solo class, especially with Tank pet. We’ll see. It’s been fun, but my Plate Melee friends are essentially face rolling most of it.

Games run by this mentality loses the actual core soul of the game. I’d like my games to be more than a cinematic and collectathon, I hardly care for those things but I’m glad there’s content for them.

Except no one is asking for the high end stuff to be brought down you will still have your sweatiness.

We just want there to be an option between being a casual and hardcore player

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Its just fervant populist rhetoric. People that have problems with bugs, people that have problems with lfr, people that have problems with normal, or even heroic, come here to chime in different individual problems into a channeled single rallying call to complain about the raid’s difficulty. In reality they’re probably talking about different things, and im sure, especially the bugs, there is merit to those complaints, but its just slapped in with everyone else’s gripes

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I am glad current soul is saved with sold glads, mounts, achieves, tokens, AOTC, CE and ruined BG experience.

Ok? so let them quit?

Dark Souls is hard, just because I paid for it doesn’t mean I should be easily able to beat it.

You can still get pretty high level gear… with just time… It’s just a lot slower than doing daily M0 lock-out, 4 t8 delves etc…

This is not Dark Souls tho, is it?

I tried a m0 on my resto sham (472) and it was painful. It’s a big jump from heroic, which was super easy. All other players were taking 90% dmg from trash mobs at the very start, just ouch.

I’ll have to keep doing other content and gear up I suspect, as i felt easily -10 ilevel from where i need to be.

There is, its called LFR and u can finish the normal raid next week. There are so many options for casuals to play the game. I’m not even sweaty, I can’t pass the second boss in heroic. But expecting to pug and play normal and beat it is going to be a challenge because u dont know those people and the game rewards coordination and organization as it should. Its not their fault that you dont have time to play their game and they literally give you features JUST for people that dont have as much time to play.

You are severely undergeared. Why would u think that would work? I’m hoping 472 is a typo, but 472 is like leveling gear. Even at 572 that is still pretty low as heroic gear has increased in ilvl this week and the base gear for heroics last week is 571, u need to upgrade your gear. 580 is a solid spot but its definitely a challenge.

You are cherrypicking a very specific example to make a strawman argument. This is made in bad faith

So did you not read the actual post? Theres needs to be a middle ground from facerolling LFR and Normal content and then having to have 20 Addons and read detailed guides just to do a mythic 0

You just need dbm, u dont need 20 addons. Do you have DBM? Mythics are end game content, they are hard especially in the early season because of ilvl. They require challenge thus people put guides out on how to improve.

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So then just have a system play the game for me because theres so much artificial difficulty that sounds like so much fun.

Quiet timegating, basically.

artificial difficulty is when i can’t do something

natural difficulty is when i can do it and the game tells me how amazing i am for doing it

Idk about you, but BigWigs/DBM telling me I’m going to be in a swirly, doesn’t automatically move my character.

I did most of DF without Addons no problem. no Mythic raiding and no crazy keys… buit that’s me.

Like this is such a huge difference