I'm convinced the "no world buffs" crowd literally never played this game

The only difference now is a large majority of guilds use world buffs for raids, mostly Naxx just to cut down on the overrall time naxx takes. The most important members of your raid to get the world buffs being tanks and melee.

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Back then “meta” wasn’t even a word used in that way… Life was so much simpler back then ;/


Ayyye bro, i said this in the last post and i will say this again in this post, you have your buffs on classic already go play there, you are wasting your time arguing, but you seem to have the time to waste…soooo :no_good_man:


World buffs are trash and contribute a great deal towards a toxic raiding atmosphere.


They played it. They’re just lazy and rather than “not” use the buffs they want them taken away from EVERYONE so they don’t have to feel lazy. Taking away world buffs was stupid. People already had the option of “not” using them if they didn’t want to.

Edit: Time to block another moron. He didn’t seem to learn from the first time he hurled an ignorant assumption that turned out to be horribly wrong. The irony is that he’s probably put no where near the amount of time into classic that I have.

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Played the game in classic and actual vanilla. No world buffs.


and you have the option of playing on classic era servers if you like world buff raiding :^).

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You only did what, 8 weeks of raiding in Classic? When you actually have some experience with the long term effects of world buff raiding, come back and we can have a conversation.

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World buffs, mage boosts and bots were the worst things about classic. Fixing those three will automatically make any iteration of vanilla 10x better.


Again. I enjoyed the world buffs, but am not really sweating them taking them out. Feel free to look up my parses if you think I didn’t play classic.

Honestly, I think way more people think like me than either the no buffs camp or the ZOMG the world is going to end without world buffs crowd like you. If people liked classic and feel like repeating it from scratch they will. Keeping or removing world buffs will impact that decision negatively for some group regardless. The primary reason this is a good decision is because it makes the content feel fresh because it will be harder. It is as simple as that.


And without them guilds will adjust. It not as big a deal as you are making it seem.


lol did you really make a 2nd thread just to complain about people disagreeing with you in your 1st thread? Says a lot about you bud.

Also to your topic at hand: Played all throughout classic, cleared Naxx every week all the way up to the pre-patch and had full BiS gear. Im glad to see WBs go and them being removed is the only reason im even considering FRESH.
Im honestly shocked to see so many people who actually raided heavily in Classic say they want WBs back, I legit never met a single player ingame that liked WBs, they just did them because you literally cannot parse without them(dont even bother mentioning the non-WB parses, nobody else ever did).


My guild cleared all the content. I enjoyed world buffs. The aspect I hated about them is that it really felt like a blow to how much someone could contribute if you lost them early. Gathering them wasn’t bad though it could be irritating. Losing them was the absolute worst.

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Most players didn’t like the whole ‘world buff’ meta. Is it effective? Sure. Is it fun? Let’s face it, gathering them all was about as fun as a colonoscopy.



Calling people lazy because they don’t want to deal with the awful world buff meta means you know nothing about the game. By the looks of your Classic parses, it appears you didn’t even bother getting world buffs anyways.


"I legit never met a single player ingame that liked WBs, "

that’s the biggest lie I’ve seen anyone say about anything all year.

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lmao of course its a Rogue making this post. Bruh just get over it. Literally the only people crying about this change are Warriors and Rogues.

Get good without buffs. Nobody liked to get the buffs every week to just log off for days and not play your character. It’s not like buffs are needed to clear the raids anyway.


you do know that APES, the first guide that cleared both MC and Ony when classic launched, was lv 55 AND didn’t have access to world buffs right?

What’s your excuse for needing them? OR to be 60 for that matter to raid?

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excuse me? I’ve been anti WB meta since it was before a thought, as well as being anti #NoChanges.

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This right here is the whole point exactly. World buffs were designed as a little 2 hour duration of enhanced power for random players to enjoy. They were not designed for entire raids, entire servers to steam roll the hell out of the game. World buffs will still exist in open world and group dungeon content. They just won’t exist for the raid content. The no world buffs in raid change is the single best thing they are changing. It will change to play of the game, to the point that I am not sure 1 year is going to be long enough. SO many guilds struggled with much of the content with world buffs. By struggle, I mean didn’t clear it in the first 3 weeks of release. Without world buffs, I see this 3 weeks turning into 6 weeks minimum. This then gives them 2 weeks to farm? I think the pace is going to need to be revisited.

BTW, the second best thing they are changing, getting rid of debuff cap.

The third best thing they are changing, albeit inadvertently is the player buff cap. Without the 6 to 7 world buffs taking up spots, buff caps on players will pretty much not be a thing as well.