I'm convinced the "no world buffs" crowd literally never played this game

You don’t launch a product without making informed decisions. Blizzard got 2 years of “we hate wBuffs” on the forums, and sent out surveys.

You really think that blizzard got it wrong and the vast majority of players want wBuff meta? don’t be daft.

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You really think they sent surveys to everyone who actually invested a lpt of their time on classic? Don’t be a rethoted incel.

Run your mouth all you want it doesn’t SoM and how I/we like the changes presented. I’m so thankful pserver wbuff meta is gone. Enjoy your 1000ms private servers.

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Dont worry, the connection is gonna be way smoother than your thinking speed.

world buffs were fun for about a month, and than it became a complete chore like everything else in modern retail wow that you loathed doing every week/day but knew you had to in order to perform optimally

Don’t get me started on the griefing meta that sprung up as well, that was even more cancerous and was fun for about 5 minutes

Heres what world buffs are

mandatory if you want to parse or perform better as a dps (which is what you want to do no matter what type of player you are)
you spent hours with your eyes on discord channels for pings for heads dropping or hearts dropping ect…
you spent tons of gold buying summons from locks to get your buffs
you get in raid, and some dog boomer dad warrior or Venezuelan mage doesn’t follow a simple mechanic and you wipe lose your wbs, the rest of the raid is pointless in terms of parsing so theres no point using consumes, everyones mad, no one cares anymore and the rest of the raid sucks

this is what you want?


“World buffs would be ok if server sizes were like they were in 2004-2006… back then wbuffs were harder to get and didn’t pop off all the time, less raiders. With the bigger servers sizes it became a requirement to get them since they were so frequent.”

You say this like it’s a bad thing, it wasn’t, and isn’t.

Your wBuffs have been dispelled, permanently.

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“I want WBs to make this easy game… easier”


You would be very wrong. I already played the game with world buffs I’m looking forward to a different experience.


World buff meta sucked! Spending all that time gathering buffs then raid logging

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Fury warriors and rogues will still 100% be the meta and what the majority of people will play. The only reason any meme spec had any viability was

  1. Buffed wars made fights so short they didn’t go oom
  2. They themselves required WBs to further combat going oom

I’m honestly completely on the fence when it comes to WBs and thought the chronoboon was a nice middle ground, but if you no-WBers think every guild is now going to be willing to run an spriest, 6 warlocks, three boomkin, etc. You’re delusional.


The debuff cap removal will make up for no WBs somewhat. There will be a LOT more damage going out onto the boss.

I played OG Vanilla, I played Classic, and I currently play TBC Classic.

No World Buffs. Get them out of here.

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Coordinating with my guild to gather them before a raid is fun.

Personally I always solo clear DMT for the group and summon my guildies afterwards, and that’s fun and rewarding for me. I enjoy that instance, particularly solo clearing it, and I like to be able to provide a benefit to my guild in doing so

As Alliance, it was particularly fun trying to sneak into Orgrimmar to get WCB without getting caught. Of course, Horde would try to find us and purge or kill, so we were constantly scouting out different spots.

For DMF weeks in Mulgore I always thought it was funny to send in my non-raiding alt first. Without fail, every week, the purgers would flag to purge my alt, Alliance would then kill them, and I’d bring my main to buff while they were on rez timer. Without fail, works like a charm every time, and it always made me chuckle that they’d fall for it over and over again.

Also Classic raids aren’t hard, but they are long, and in classic there is incentive to keep clearing content that is much older. While you are in AQ you are likely still clearing MC, BWL, and ZG. In Naxx you probably stop clearing MC. That’s a lot of raiding each week, and I like that if I play well and don’t die, keeping my buffs makes it go by much faster.

Particularly the older content gets REALLY boring but you need to keep clearing it because someone needs Nelth’s Tear, someone else needs Onslaught Girdle, someone still needs ACLGs because Death’s Sting never drops (never dropped for me and I had perfect attendance and loot prio the entire time), etc.

So yeah, WBs make that farm content so much more bearable because you can zoom.

For my guild, when we would wipe occasionally to something dumb, it didn’t make the rest of the content harder. We’d still clear all of Naxx and one shot it the rest of the way. It would just take a lot longer, and I’d be up late and late to work in the morning, and disappointed that we wouldn’t beat our previous speed clear.

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what was stopping you from raiding without WBs in classic?


It’s not what I said though lol. I said fury warriors will no longer be our gods.

Fury warrriors in all honestly will probably still be the top DPS class, but I think it likely that rogues and fire mages will be right there with them. There’s also a good chance that locks and hunters will be very close, and feral and ele while still lagging won’t be absolutely left in the dust.

If you look at the classic logs and compare the difference between buffed and unbuffed stats you can see that fury warriors are hit the hardest without WB’s. On a fight like patch they take an average 27% hit to DPS on average compared to mages and locks taking only a 17% hit to DPS.

Add in that DPS will now be able to use all their DOT’s and you’re looking at a much more competitive DPS landscape with good warriors still likely coming out on top (on average), but it not being like it was in classic where any mongo warrior with buffs and good weapons was almost guaranteed to dominate most encounters.

On the tanking side this also means that tanking druids may be able to achieve parity in late game. We were already just as good or better pre-naxx if the warrior didn’t have reck up, but were simply outscaled by buffed naxx geared warriors. No buffs and less gear both favor feral tanks in the grand scheme.

Agreed. Fixing these big 3 would be enough for me. I could live with everything else.

Agreed 100% about banning botters. Blizzard needs to invest the resources to make that happen.

WBs and Mage Boosts though, I don’t get the hate.

If you don’t like WBs, form a guild that raids without WBs – if these forums are to be believed, you should have no trouble with that, since they are SO unpopular and nobody likes WBs. :^)

As for Mage Boosts, if you don’t like them, don’t use them? Nobody is forcing you to buy them.

You all seem VERY concerned about how SOMEBODY ELSE is playing the game, instead of just enjoying the game for yourself.

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I played this game. I hated world buffs. Nothing was less fun than planning for 2 hours on how to get buffs without getting dispelled, paying gold to get summoned to avoid said dispells/gankings.

All to get into raid, and pray to god RNGesus doesn’t kill you making you lose your world buffs. Yeah F that entire system.