I'm confused why some players are upset about the instance cap

I feel like the complaints are just coming from the “No-changes” camp. When I farmed SGC for my friend, we had to logout constantly and do other things because we were running into the 5 instances an hour cap.

I’m not, “no changes”. I wasn’t ever, really. This is just a bad change. You don’t have to be part of the, “zero changes ever” crowd to not like a bad change.

People who sell boosts or farm dungeons aren’t the enemy - bots are. And this change doesn’t really affect them.

Then I guess you should be advocating for the removal of the 5 instances an hour cap then.

No. That’s in place for very specific reasons, and is the accurate system in place to prevent people from spamming instance resets.

Please stop trying to create a strawman.

I’m just calling out contradictory positions.

“5 resets an hour, good!”
“30 resets a day, bad!”

What a joke.

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I farmed an SGC as have a lot of warriors in my guild. Nobody I know has been running or ran 30+ a day to get it.

A bunch of my buds are on attempts 300+, I myself stopped counting at 200+.

I have no idea where you’re getting this from…

Uh, no? One is accurate to vanilla, one is not. One is a system we all know how to avoid breaking (IE: accidentally reset too much and get stranded), the other is a brand new not tested system that is going to cause a lot of problems for some players.

Players right now are working within the constraints of the vanilla system - I don’t want that changed.

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The funny thing is, this person just accused me of making a straw man argument. Oh the humanity, they don’t even realize themselves.

The option is there. And I know some who have. They run until they hit their cap, then they go do something else. Farm, or play an alt, or just log out. The arena runs are quick enough that it’s not hard at all to hit lockout repeatedly in a single day.

Plus - as said before - there are plenty of people who set aside days they actually have the free time to do it.

Maybe being able to reset an instance infinitely to obtain rare/hard to obtain items in a extremely short period of time could be considered an “exploitive” behavior by some?

I dont think blizzard ever intended people to reset instances over 30 times in a single sitting to cheese their way to good loot

They are now putting a very reasonable and frankly generous limit on it to curb the behavior of a very tiny portion of the player base that is abusing the in game systems to farm things at a rate that was never intended

Oh, so you default back to “No-changes” when I point out the contradiction. Your argument is primarily “No-changes” and everything that follows after is just an excuse.

Except you can’t reset it infinitely. You can reset it 5 times an hour - then have to wait for the hour to end. This also doesn’t hurt your raid, as you know when your raid will be and it’s pretty easy not to get yourself locked out. Plus it resets hourly, so even then it’s not the worst. The issue with a 24 hour lockout is that you can hit it inadvertently - though unlikely - and have to wait either the rest of the day or a full day to reset. There’s also nothing about the current system that suggests it has to be done in a single sitting, rather than them logging back in to go back to farming after the hourly reset.

As I said before, if you’re for untested and inaccurate changes to the game to try and stop players that are doing, “unintended” things - that aren’t against the EULA/ToS - are you ever going to speak up against other forced, untested changes that just hurts players?

That wasn’t no changes. That was, “it’s accurate to vanilla, we know how it works, and it’s not an issue”. As I said before - I’m not among the, “no changes” crowd. The BL change for example was a good thing.

You’re just trying to force a position I do not hold to fit your narrative.

Sorry, I just don’t buy those arguments, especially on a cap that’s brand new. Again, I grinded an SGC myself. I did it in-between my PVP grind over a several month period with a druid healer.

I honestly want to say from my experience, most people that grind SGC do 10-15 a day, that’s 2 or 3 hours of lockouts. I don’t know anybody that just sits and hits it for 10 hours. It’s a mind-numbing grind, and it’s depressing when you go 10-15 lockouts without even seeing Gorosh. I once went without seeing Gorosh for 2 days while grinding it.

The only case that I think needs to be looked at is MCPs for Druids. That’s the only specific case where you can say okay maybe something needs to be done to help them not need to waste as many instance locks on a specific item. Maybe increase the charges?

For everyone else, this cap should not affect them in the slightest unless they’re selling dungeon boosts or farming dungeons at an absurd rate.

This is another issue. It was a stealth change that was untested, players weren’t warned about it, and it doesn’t address the serious issue of bots. It says it does - but it doesn’t do anything to them, really.

You can do arena in what, 5-10 minutes? That’s 25-50 minutes for the whole lockout if you’re really slow. Sure, I doubt they’re going to sit there for a long time, but I’ve seen some people dedicated. Though they usually have their SGC before anyone else ignoring the random lucky guy.

That’s another thing that was mentioned, yes. I just mentioned the SGC because it was more universally understandable.

I personally don’t see the issue with selling dungeon boosts. For a lot of people - especially on the small faction on a PvP server - that’s really the only way they can make gold safely.

Also it’s not really an, “absurd” rate since it’s still 5 lockouts an hour.

The end game isn’t progression… people have cleared rag first week in greens FFS

imagine playing on a sever with only horde as a pvp server. Imagine having to farm all the mats for 1 side because blizzard doesnt tell you how they plan to fix imbalances for aq (they wont do anything, lazy POS) . Imagine raiding and then wanting to farm linen or wool all night since aq is like 50+ days away.

well now you cant. Thanks blizzard for ruining our chance to get the gate open on time… preventing the content that everyone started playing classic for from being available on release… GOOD JOB

Also i agree if i pay to play. You dont tell me how I can play

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People who are not you nor I. That’s something a blue once said, that it’s funny some people find content is worthless or finished when people who are not them clear it.

I’ve pugged BWL on this alt…

All you people try Harding Classic is like some weird nerd at the gym flexing cause he’s lifting 40pounds in one hand… just like everybody else :roll_eyes:

I’m sympathetic to the argument that it’s safer for the minority faction on PVP servers to be grinding in dungeons. That’s a fair consideration for alliance toons on a lot of PVP servers.

This is my only toon and yes horde is 60-40 or 65-35 on my server, so even though I’m a world farmer (herbing/mining), it’s a bit easier on me than the alliance players on my server who are outnumbered at times. I completely understand that.

And again, I do think something should be done to help feral druids out given an important item for them requires them to use instance locks.

Everything else though, I don’t think is as good of an argument against this change. It’s very difficult for most players to reach this kind of instance lock, even players that play 10+ hours a day.

Final note: I do think that MC/BWL should be removed from this. Nobody should be locked out of their endgame raids because they ran 30 dungeons.