Hello, hello. I thought I would ask some questions about the San’layn and Darkfallen, because I know next to nothing about them beyond a little reading. Maybe someone can clear some things up for me.
1. How is a vampyr created?
I know that Lucard can change someone into one, but how? Is this a bite, curse or magic spell?
2. How is a Darkfallen created?
Are these elves created through necromancy, possible by any spellcaster or is this strictly by the hands of the Lich King? If so, how come they are not death knights?
3. How are Darkfallen and San’layn received in the role play community? Especially within The Alliance.
I know they had a chance to official join the Horde, but that was a bust. I’ve seen people get straight up ignored in the role play community because of their character’s race/species, religious or political beliefs. I mean, they won’t even look their way. It’s like they don’t exist to them. That’s okay. I know people don’t have to interact with people they don’t want to, but it’s bonkers to think that because your character thinks or looks differently, you are absolutely DEAD to a portion of the community. I know some people ignore others that bend the lore a little bit, too. I personally don’t care, but to each their own.
4. Which class(es) are the most ideal for a Darkfallen?
I thought death knights, mages and warlocks might be the expected classes. Seeing as there can be a night elf darkfallen druid (it would be neat to have undead forms), I’m guessing class doesn’t matter much since they are just a dead elf.
5. Do Darkfallen night elves have to be risen by the Forsaken?
So, some night elves got resurrected by the Forsaken. Some stayed and some defected. Well, do all undead night elves have to have been made this way? Could another necromancer out in the world also be able to create a darkfallen? Could a night elf be cursed and risen as such upon death?
6. How does a vampyr feed? People? Animals? Blood taken through magic?
I expect draining a victim dry of their blood like any old vampire in lore is the solution, but maybe there are other ways to do it that I don’t know about. Is there even a schedule for feeding? Like, how long can a vampyr go without blood? What happens if they don’t feed? Will they go feral? Things like that.
7. How do you kill a Darkfallen or San’layn?
So, I’m guessing like most undead, they can be felled normally. Will they come back again and again or, is that it? As for a vampyr, I know Lucard needed staked. Is that how you handle a vampyr? Stake in the heart and done?
Thanks for any answers someone can provide. Also, I did get my death knight all written up and I am quite happy with him. All of the tips helped out. Anyway, thanks again for the lore tips. Clearly, there is much I need to learn. Lol