I like you, sneaky little space-goat.
Here is a very in depth question. Hypothetical/deep question.
If you were a vampire, go along with the idea further: the first vampire.
You store a vial of your blood away for safekeeping be it an imprint/memory/vessel of your power at its peak.
You then become human or sacrifice it all to become human. Later you get bitten again or turned into a vampire. Imbued with the essence or power of your creator/founder/however you call it.
You then find the vial and drink its contents? Could you in theory be able to regain your powers/memories/strength from a vial of your former power?
Course anyone else could find it and drink it thus they gain your power but what if you drank of yourself from another age?
Would you be stronger, weaker/or unknown?
(Taking a bit out of underworld/queen of the dead vampirism)
Meditate on this.
It seems so unfair that belf paladins can use the customization but none of the elf dk’s or dh’s can.
This is a good and interesting question, but one that I do not believe has been addressed in WoW’s lore so probably doesn’t have any canon answer. So I think it would really be up to your own personal interpretation/head-canon.
Having said that. You could draw inspiration from other vampire lore like World of Darkness. In their world you can only gain the power of another vampire by fully draining them of ALL their blood. But it’s more than just their blood, you’re essentially consuming their soul. With that in mind, you probably would not be able to obtain your former power just from drinking your old blood. Maybe a portion, but that would be it.
The Underworld series plays around with the idea of power and memories being in the blood and being able to transfer between vampires. It’s seems older vamps are able to properly organize and arrange their memories into a cohesive vision of their experiences and then pass them on to other elders. I would think consuming a vial of your old blood would allow you to collect your memories of being a vampire up till the point you “stored” it but I don’t know how much power it would transfer. Again in the Underworld series you can gain strength by drinking from elder vamps but it doesn’t go into detail on how much power you’d gain and how much you’d have to drink.
Last unique example I can think of off hand, and probably the most interesting are the vampires from the FX tv series called The Strain. In the Strain the vampires are actually human body hosts to vampiric parasitic worms. New vampires are made by being “infected” by the worms and over time the body changes as more worms grow inside it. These worms have a kind of collective consciousness and shared memory. There are 7 elder vamps that continue their lineage through the worms as they spread to new hosts.
One of the interesting things about the vamp-worms is that if the host body is destroyed but not all the worms are destroyed with it they can just infect a new body and that new host will essentially become the old vampire. Memories and experiences just inside a new shell. So in this case if your vampire were to store it’s blood/worms and and something happen to its body. The stored worms could infect a new host that host would become the vampire with all the memories up to the point they were stored.
Anyway, nuff rambling. My own undead worms are tired now. You should probably just work up your own head-canon and run with it!
Edit: Oh. Also. Liches. Not vampires but still one of the highest forms of undead store their souls into receptacles called “phylacteries.” That way if their bodies are ever destroyed their souls would return to the phylactery. Typically the lich would then just inhabit a new body or regenerate their old one. They are essentially immortal unless the phylactery is destroyed along with the lich’s physical body. Liches aren’t typically vamps but there’s some resemblance to your question.
In my personal opinion when we start to mix other games / books / universes concepts of vampires / san’layn into WoW we start to bleed into the reason that playing these types of characters is less accepted. There’s so many instances of copy and paste Alucard’s but legally distinctTM and that kind of thing is what I primarily see / get complaints about from the Blue team.
That’s probably the most common issue with any kind of vampire in RP settings–they tend to cleave really close to whatever is trendy at the time. So it’s either Twilight or Vampire the Masquerade or Warhammer or Castlevania or whatever. People will take a single line of canon lore and stretch it all the way to whatever point they’re trying to get across for why their vampire is the way they are. Which, hey–it’s their $15 a month, but that’s the way it’s always been.
There is A LOT of good stuff in pop culture, and honestly I think it’s hard for companies not to pull from each other. I will give Blizzard props though.
The thing I like about then is that they have made a real effort to stick to creating a universe that is just Warcraft. I will always wish that we got more with the San’layn, like perhaps having them get to thay point where they did join the Horde instead of what actually happened during BfA. But if all we get is what we’ve gotten…I can be okay with that.
People are still passionate about the RP and it shows in the community.
Did you know, in the Maw we have a special form of torture for those vile souls with a foul tongue. It involves a pincher, a jaw trap, and a head cage.
The Head Cage holds your form in place so you cannot move.
The Jaw Trap holds your mouth open so you cannot keep it closed.
The Pincher holds your tongue out from your vessel.
With that set up we either brand your tongue then heals it after the pain has subsided for continuous rebranding.
We also use a series of fine needle like protrusions from a single case (much like a expresso WDT device) to slowly pierce your tongue.
Our third technique is we house a hungry maw rat that slowly nibbles and chews away at your tongue up to the frame of the Pincher before it regrows and we resume.
We are currently running a patent for use in the mortal realm although the torture would be permanent after one use.
Still trying to figure out a method around that.
Torture is our pleasure after all.
…we don’t kink shame here, sir.
No kinks here…lol
This is my job, i get paid in Stygia and collect for use with the vendors. I’m saving up for a trip to the afterlife beach. The perfect waves, the ideal temperatures, and the sand castle contests are impressive.
Spending an eternity later still finding sand in the wrong frame cracks is another matter.
I had an idea for a start-up on an afterlife travel agency. I can get you in on the ground floor of a very lucrative investment opportunity. Let me ask you something. How much would you pay to be reunited with your past loved ones? You wanna see ol’ Gramsy again? Maybe dear old Pop-Pop? What about Scout? Your favorite pet? Well we can sell you an all around trip package to the post-life-experience of your choice! Your most heavenly vacation is just a portal away!
I actually thought of something like that for Day of the Dead visits. One chance to have the dead visit their loved ones or vice versa.
Use of those 2 seater mounts would be perfect!!!
Or afterlife Safari adventures. Come hunt the most dangerous creatures/souls in existence and from other worlds.
The drawback would be the fine print regarding any injury or death from not following the recommended paths/trails. Your death means you join us.
The Afterlife travel agency could also offer packages for victims of villains. Come witness their eternal torture in the maw.
It’s a totally untapped market.
*Rubs hands. *
Don’t forget to visit the Afterlife gift shop.
Undead pets, Ghosts, Keychains, Hearthstones, Travel mugs, Bone fragments, Sealed vials of the Plague, Do-it-yourself kid necromancy kits, etc.
Phylactery keepsakes, guaranteed to keep your valuables stored for eternity or your money back.*
*Proprietors are not liable for lost, stolen, or consumed souls, essences, life-force, or anima. End users must wait for full duration of eternity before any refunds are issued.
The what?
I’m sorry, I do not know of what you speak of.
… nor do I want to.
Do not fret.
We see you from beyond the veil, and we see your work through the memories of your victims.
From our master did your purpose become clear, and the tools given freely. Not once did you fear the consequences of your choices.
Death will claim all in due course, and we will be waiting.
(I re-wrote this a few times trying to find the right ominous tone. Still missing something.)
(I think any use of Baron/Count/Countess/other titles should be against RP rules if people deny the SL. Anything from that realm being used or worn.)
(Pets are a different idea, if you acknowledge that someone else crossed the veil they can be gifts, treasures, other.)
As the game title that you can slap over your head? Or the actual title for RP purposes? Because barons/counts/etc have been around in-game with other NPCs for a long time now
Anything from the realm being used or worn. A physical name title of course.
What people use in their RP is their own choice of course. But I’m referring two the two sides of SL debate.
On one side merely saying you are someone who didn’t take the leap across the veil but can still acknowledge what happened on this side is one thing. You heard the wild and tall tales from other adventurers. Some of them you think is hearsay or the mumbles of a mad man needing to be committed or have an exorcism upon. Nothing from that realm has changed you but it is a thought in the back of your mind or a memory. And of course you can get items/gear/etc from those who have crossed over. Killed, robbed, or bought from a stall they opened to sell these items.
But there is the other side regarding denying it exists or that blizzard should not have made it yet using the content and anything from the addon. That makes them a fraud.
You can’t use sylvanas bow or a mount from the SL and say you don’t accept it but its part of your character.
Well, I mean you can say/do whatever you want honestly. People can either choose to accept or ignore you depending on their own preferences. In the end we’re all playing online make-believe, so I say go nuts and don’t sweat the haters.