Im back and Monks need a hardnerf overall

My time in D4 exp were short, they can only balance a single class in their game, they are so bad.

So i’m back to WoW and today a monk just literally dodged my colossus smash and sharpen mortal blade… whats this?


What date was TWW officially released? Welcome to that date all over again come on BicepsBrox u can do better than that


Welcome back God King Broxikor and rejoice my fellow warrior for come Tuesday we will have sufficient buffs!


don’t miss next time.


Thats a funny but accurate choice of words.

It’s always been funny how devs can’t change the fundamentals ​​of warriors and are stucked for a decade on:

+5% defensive stance
-5% defensive stance
+5% defensive stance
+10% dmg
-10% dmg

10 years from now defensive stance will get a new 5% buff or nerf.

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Alpha male body type 1 orc warrior Broxikorc when?


It’s you getting owned

Kultirans and Orcs are equivalent in terms of masculinity, i’ll play orc again in the moment warsong clan leader is not a character for modern audiences, which means a huge orc with a huge weapon chopping gods and demons heads off thirsty for war


your own fault for being greedy with stats and not putting points into expertise

you need at least 5% to hit targets same lvl as you



Oh God there is not a single worst looking race in game than kultirans and the vanilla set looks even more low poly in that fat beer belly.

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these guys had to use the breastplate stretcher to make that one work


The ability is called dance of wind, which is a 10% passive dodge chance that increases by 10% every 4s until they dodge an attack. Stun first before big damage and ideally save that stun for their FOF to counter the parry effect as well. Usually good to use with Storm on slayer. Hope that helps!


this ability should go away


they should make it an active skill like Shadowmeld is used to dodge things. If they gave us a choice between that and the passive as-is, we’d prob pick the active skill

it really is just meh

I think EVERYONE hates rng dodge mechanics and is in favor of them going away.

I don’t mind if I get parried on kidney shot. I got outplayed. I DO get annoyed if someone RNG dodges my damage or cc.


It was just a not-so-subtle yet possibly entirely-too-subtle invitation. Horde currently short in the biceps department.

PS kultirans look dumb

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Imagine if dodging/blocking and parrying were all active skills you had to press rather than passives.

Like a monk rolling would evade all melee /ranged attacks while the roll is in progress, picture dark souls rolls. Or warriors/dks lifting their weapons to negate an attack.

Would be busted if used properly but rewards actual skill play rather than what we currently have.

That’s gw2 pvp!


Your Insignia was Yummy !

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I actually really like their PvP. I wish the rest of the game was fun for me.

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