I'm actually now more hyped than ever about the MM Hunter changes

No they arent.


I was surprised myself. A simple buff to the extra damage to the lone wolf talent was what I wanted to make soloing without a pet optional. As of now it is too weak for anything then reassurance for instance playing where others dislike hunter pets. Now I am confused. I need extra range and more effective crowd control abilities to avoid markmanship becoming a melee range spec.

let me guess you keep on getting reported for your pets names.

I like the changes but I’m afraid the constant flapping noises from the birds are gonna drive some people quite mad.

MAD, I tell you!

No? My pet names have never been reported.

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I don’t think we’ll hear any flapping, the eagle sounds like it’s going to be a spell effect so you’ll probably hear “generic red tail hawk noise” before an eagle descends and swoops in.

As long as they allow changing the Eagle to other creatures, that’s all I care about. Which they said would be an option in the Hunter Feedback thread.

Granted, I 99% of the time play BM because I love my big, chunky exotic pets, but the few times I run MM in a dungeon or raid I’m ALWAYS running Lone Wolf because trying to micro-manage a weaker pet that can’t survive anything is annoying.

they should be

Okay, well have fun reporting my pet named Lytfang the Lost.

you know that isn’t the pet names that are the issue

Well, that’s the only pet I use right now so I don’t get what you’re trying to imply here.

I can see your stable in your armory - you have barely played a year and have spent no time collecting anything.

Maybe because I created this account back in October after coming back to the game from a 10 year hiatus? I really don’t understand your agenda here other than generic contrarian Death Knight player.

Dunno. One would hope they’d realize in advance that repetitive wing flapping noises would be iritating, but then I remember the Pantsogeddon (aka The Snufflepocalypse) when Worgen were released.

Yeah, but in any case the way it’s worded the bird isn’t going to be following you around.

Maybe it’ll sit on your head like Pepe.

Birb has now become fashion accessory.

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I think it will be kinda like current petless Intimidation. When something done by the bird happens, he appears, swoops in, and disappears. There will probably be more variety in how it’s done, though. I imagine it flying in circles when you cast Heroism/Bloodlust, or following your target during Roar of Sacrifice.

Outside such moments, it’s just out of sight.

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Luckily the new Intimidation won’t require pet LoS :3

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