I'm actually now more hyped than ever about the MM Hunter changes

In a way I think it’s kind of neat. Not having to worry about a pet in MM. Seeing how it will interact and play a role will be interesting. On the other hand, pets are and have what made hunters who they are since the beginning of time. It would break muh immersion some.

I play survival pvp and some occasional pve and I would love the option to disengage my pet for more dps/survivability or however they implement it. I never was one to enjoy micro managing a pet anyways, but I’ve grown to accept and to enjoy my pet.

Wouldn’t hurt my feelings either way tbh, but if they remove pets entirely then ima be upset. I say 1 pet for MM, 1 pet for Survival, and BM should have its full selection of pets since its the beast spec.

That’s your opinion, I’m interested in seeing what happens.

Not mm.
Pets have almost zero function for mm. It exists as a fancy handbag. You don’t have abilities tied to your pet whatsoever other than hero.

The pet essentially serves as an object to let you /afk solo content.
At least survival has kill command, pack coordination, etc.

You can literally scroll through the comments and see that isn’t the case.

Making up fake stats to back up your point does absolutely nothing for you.
It’s also apparent the majority use lone wolf because it gives more damage than having a pet.

And blizzard said it themselves in the change notes that it’s not part of the spec fantasy of mm.

Like I get being upset, but shesh y’all.

They don’t care about functionality. They just want to look good as they walk down the street with their louis vuitton hanging off their shoulder.

not in the threads on this forum. A minority of actual hunters are for it and some of those think it will make MM hunter more viable in PvE and PvP content which is totally bizarre.

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If you’re competent at kiting it should be a breeze. MM still has traps, Conc Shot, Binding Shot to keep enemies at bay, and the capstone to make explosive trap apply knockback.

They’re not exactly left for stranded.

No we are not

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How about a monk class that only kicks and cannot use their hands?

Leave my pets alone.

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A few trolls are not all the MM hunters.

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It’s the same 5-6 people saying they welcome these changes, and you’re one of them.

Try again, buh-bye.


Try again at what, being positive about a change I’m excited for?
Are you okay?

It will happen eventually. You may be the only one since you had to bump your own thread 3 hours later.

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Get Vultros in Westfall and go for it. I don’t want the change at all, it helps nothing and ruins the flavor of the current class/spec combo for me.

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I’m only invested in my own entertainment, not the entertainment of others sorry.

Oh what a charmer! Do you kick puppies for fun too?


Do you always use extremes when somebody doesn’t agree with you?
I pity you.

Oh, then that’s totally mutual. And, since this thread is now muted to me, you even get the last word! How cool is that?

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of course the HUMAN likes the boring rework

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I like the changes too.

I am curious of how they intend to pull this off since part of the main hunter talent tree is a bit of a condensed Beastmaster tree. As such ALL hunters can be beastmasters to some small extent.

I’m sure there is a very vocal section that is against the changes, but I’d dispute that it’s the entire community.

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