Why stop there? why not go to the official feedback thread https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/feedback-hunters/ and watch hunters completely ignore the bm changes listed out in the same thread to provide feedback on how much they don’t want to lose their pets?
You cant misdirect non party members but nice try lol
Me too, I’m looking forward to it!
Hunters really shouldn’t have a say in what Blizzard does with their class after the abuse they’ve given the community for decades because they can’t mechanically handle having a pet.
Given the posts saying “Please don’t take our pets” are getting enormous numbers of like, and those expressing support for the change are not, I’m gonna have to disagree with you.
Blizz can just add a different ability to cast lust without a pet. That’s literally what they’re proposing with this generic eagle anyway. So just scrap the stupid eagle and attach the new ability to lone wolf.
Let’s remember two things, the forums aren’t representative of the majority opinion and those who are outraged will always be louder than those who are content and satisfied.
Blizzard asked for feedback and people are giving feedback. It’s not a situation where people come here apropos of nothing to moan about what irks them. Blizz has proposed a change and engaged the community for their thoughts on it. So in this case yeah, I’d say it absolutely reflects majority opinion. Obviously lots of people want to see some kind of changes made to MM. The lust issue needs addressing in some way. But this sledgehammer approach that demolishes such a fundamental piece of the class identity is not the way to go about it.
Actually it also demolishes the lone wolf fantasy as well. No more option to be petless. You’ll be bound to a generic eagle, regardless of your race or which hero spec you choose. Seemingly to accommodate some dev’s own personal fantasy of having a spotter eagle.
The healer of course
I was there, I told them how much I am looking forward to testing Marks. Finally, some archery in the Hunter class. Also it seems not many people are worried about pets as a handful of players are making it out to be.
It had no identity in the first place, it was just BM with one less pet, no exotic pets, and you just kinda ignored it while it auto attacks.
This new change proposes a more hands on approach with the gameplay loop being much more methodical and deliberate.
Pets shouldn’t just be fire and forget, and I certainly don’t want MM to turn into a spec where you have to micromanage your pet’s DPS like BM and SV.
Then you must not play it very well.
But that wouldn’t split the hunter player base and cause massive forum drama. Blizzard seems to enjoy shooting itself in the foot by making changes that make no sense.
So, instead of attacking the idea you’re attacking me instead.
I can do both.
I dont play MM enough to care either way.
I am very curious how much survivability it has with no pet taking some of the heat off, however.
if they can pull it off, sounds like it might work out ok.
Not all hunters use pets to hunt with.
Some rabbit hunters like myself dont use dogs…other rabbit hunters do.
There should be a hunter spec that doesnt rely on a pet, but its gonna have to be a lot more rugged without that personal tank absorbing so much of the damage
Oh, I have no doubt.
It’s just that now you’ve lost all chances in having a good faith argument.
I like this path they’re paving for MM, it makes it feel like it’s going to be focusing much more on being an actual Marksman. Big damage, consistent uptime, and shooting arrows/bullets which should’ve always been it’s main focus.
The pet aspect of it just always made it seem kinda bloated and tacked on.
Blizzard took away everything that made any pet special over time. Now it’s something I tend to ignore except when I am grouped and asked to perform lust which is when my dps goes down.
Marks pets are in no way special anymore, Blizz saw to that a long long time ago.
I’m hoping they will make some kind of concession or compromise sort of like what they did with the Shaman Ascension visual.
Every time they remove player autonomy and choice, there is pushback so it’s beyond me why they thought this was the thing to do.
My warlock can sac a demon and still use their ability so I don’t understand why they couldn’t do something like that.