That is most definitely the case. Your failure to understand that people love their pets shouldn’t warrant their removal.
It’s literally one of the things that makes hunters immersive.
That is most definitely the case. Your failure to understand that people love their pets shouldn’t warrant their removal.
It’s literally one of the things that makes hunters immersive.
Your post has half the likes of someone that says they’re against the change. Starting to think this is a troll thread.
What is immersive for some isn’t immersive for other, MM has no identity other than just worse BM right now. If it’s pets you want BM and SV is right there, and it’s not a failure to understand it’s just that if it were to come between my enjoyment of the game and someone else’s I am always going to pick mine.
And yet, nothing is stopping you from dismissing your pet and playing lone wolf.
Ffs this thread is bogus.
Most disagreements people view that don’t align with their own agenda are often seen as trolling as a coping mechanism so that those individuals feel they can safely write off that opinion without feeling bad about it.
Lust is stopping me.
Meanwhile, in reality, the thread started by Attimis about keeping MM pets has 160 likes with majority of people in it agreeing. When gaslighting, claiming something that’s clearly not true as truth, that’s trolling in my book.
So you’re telling me the thread posted 2 days ago vs the one I have here that was only posted a mere 8 hours ago during the time most people are sleeping has more likes and has had more time to be seen?
Not to mention, the WoW forums should never be used to represent majority opinion.
If it walks like a and talks like a …
You don’t walk, you roll silly Monk.
My Misdirection priority list:
I am looking forward to it as well. When i play my MM hunter alt i always run lone wolf and never have my pet out.
To be fair the Vulpera had it coming and probably deserves worse. /j
Same, I’m really excited to see what this new identity for MM will bring us!
Are they? I’m looking forward to testing it, let alone playing it.
Lust does. MM hunters are forced by other players to have a pet out for lust.
Good post.
That’s crazy… That same crowd who were okay with that stuff get crazy about the most normal things today
I am for the big change in MM Hunter. If hunters wants to stick with their pets than go play a BM or SV Hunters. let the MM Hunters to become snipers. In which they should have a been along time ago. Along over due for MM hunters.