I’m looking to better myself in this game. I would like to be a Tank main. Because I haven’t done most of the dungeons in WoW, sometimes I do not know the layout or where to go. I understand people just wanna level their alt characters fast and get the dungeon done quick.
Since there is no communication when the kick happens, I’m left wondering what I did wrong and can improve on. I’m playing Protection Paladin. Last night I was doing Gate of the Setting Sun. This was I think the 3rd or 4th dungeon together with the group. Someone was insta queueing when we finished one and I kept joining. So we got Gate of the Setting Sun this time. We got to the last boss, I guess I just jumped down because I saw other players jumping down. Perhaps they jumped down on a different platform and then to the ground. I went straight to the ground and got 90% heath hit. There were no enemies engaged so I was healing myself, but during this I got kicked.
I would like to know if the kick was because I jumped wrong, or maybe it would likely be my performance issue throughout the dungeon?
It’s hard to tell if I have aggro on an enemy unless I target it and see who that enemy is targetting. Is there a better/faster way to tell if I have aggro on an enemy? Or do I need to get some addon? I would like to avoid a lot of addons if possible.
Another question I have is how important is the position of the enemies in dungeon? Do I need to face them away from the party? Sometimes other players go ahead and aggro so while I’m trying to take aggro from those mobs, enemies tend to just be all over the place.
If you have a guild or friends, I would suggest trying to get a couple of them to run with you and help you out.
People are weird and will kick for nonsensical reasons from time to time. But it’s always better to run with friends and those that are willing to help.
Try to point mobs away, don’t stress too much if someone decides to be impatient and pull before you (they’re being jerks, but if they don’t like tanking, they shouldn’t try to tank), and you didn’t do anything wrong on the jump. Because at your level, I don’t think you have a “get out of damage free” ability yet.
If you need anything, just ask. I’m not a tank, but I can help navigate you through some of the game.
outright saying to the group " new to the game " will help you establish a baseline. allot of people have expectations of the other party being a veteran knowing everything and anything.
secondly, try to use the new player chat to get a teacher. something like that will help a ton.
if you can enable the enemy name plates, a enemy that has threat on you will have there bar glow yellow around the outside, red on the bar itself. green would be it not having any threat on you.
its enemy specific. some enemies need to be faced away while others dont. i suggeest thinking all of it is face away from the party situation.
Most nameplate addons have a feature for tanks or threat, where the nameplate will change colour based on what threat you have on mobs, so as long as you have enemy nameplates set to always show, you’ll easily see if mobs are aggro’d to you or someone else.
I personally use KUI, it’s easy to set up and looks pretty nice. Threat Plates is also pretty common, and if you want a super in-depth addon that has a plethora of features, there’s Plater… but you might hate your life if you try to set it up yourself. I’m pretty sure it has an “import” feature, so you could find a tanks Plater profile and just import it yourself.
Aside from that, you only learn the dungeons by doing them. Some groups will be patient and others will kick you if they can tell you’re new. Sometimes you’ll get kicked for no reason at all. It’s hit and miss, and every tank has gone through it. Keep at it! Tanking can be really fun, but it also helps if you have people to run with that you know, so try adding people from good groups to your friends list, or join a community and see if you can build a network to ease the pain of pugging.
You shouldn’t be playing tank if your a new player. People are gonna expect you to know what your doing and where your going and if you don’t and you don’t do it fast enough your gonna get kicked. It is what it is.
There is a discord community called “WoW Made Easy” - it is a community developed by people who just want to jam, have fun, and learn how to play WoW without the toxic environment.
There are thousands of people in that discord who will help you learn what you want to play! And will be very patient in the process!
I owe my tanking achievements to that discord - as well as all my AotCs and KSHs - they helped me be the paladin I am today!
Are you certain you were kicked? As in there was text that said you were removed from the group/kicked? Only asking because my husband and I were running timewalking last night and on second boss of halls, we were ported out of the dungeon. It was so weird. There was nothing written in our text indicating either of us was kicked (neither of us saw a vote kick window either and the run was perfectly normal). Then one of the dps whispers my husband and asks why she was kicked. We told her it happened to us, too, and ended up whispering the other 2 dps to see if they were booted, too. So for some reason all of us were kicked out of the dungeon and everyone was left wondering why they were kicked. We ended up all queueing together and didn’t have any other issue the rest of the night.
by the way, have you played any other classes/specs?
you might try running ret for a short time just to get a feel for how other tanks handle leveling dungeons. You will see just how fast they go. and how fast the party expects them to go. that pace will be expected at least until you get to 70. and given where many people are in the gearing at the moment, even heroics are zugzug nowadays.
just keep playing your game. pally tanks are fun
Most of the “real” mechanics don’t start to become truly important until later in the game.
it is good to develop good habit early on, but leveling dungeons are mostly complete facerolls, especially for a prot pally.
Keep at it - please please please don’t let people in dungeons get to you (much easier said than done!). Once you get into the groove of tanking, it becomes so much fun and rewarding!
I thought I would never tank - but now I am a tank main.