It’s modern wow.
If you’re a tank, just lean a book or something on the “run fast forward” key and get some coffee.
I kind of feel this is the best answer, that is also fair for the group you are in. Learn the dungeons and then try to tank them.
That or find a like minded guild.
My question is: how is someone expected to learn how to tank in a dungeon if they dont…tank in a dungeon?
I’m beginning to think that a great service for WoW would be some sort of system that organises training groups to take new players through dungeons for specific roles. So, Newcomer Chat has Guides to answer questions for new players, perhaps something similar could be set up to have experienced players take new players through ‘dummy’ runs of instances where there is no loot or gold dropping, just the same mobs and bosses and with a dedicated teacher to show them how to do it.
It probably sounds meh and many will say, why would anyone do that? Well, why would anyone volunteer to be a Guide in Newcomer Chat when there is no benefit? Sometimes, people just like to share their expertise for the fun of it (which is why I do it). I don’t think its an entirely evil idea.
If you are just learning it’s best to group with guild mate and friends to teach and help you learn.
This link can help as well:
It’s very rare to have a random group people to have patience and understanding.
There is also proving grounds:
Which is a NPC you can talk to in your Garrison in WoD, for Horde it’s WarMaster Zug.
This is a brilliant idea. I no longer run dungeons because of the toxicity. No matter how many times you view a you tube about a dungeon nothing really prepares you for the reality.
Way to be part of the problem.
that means the groups is toxic, that the reason why news player stop WOW, the problems is the community IMPATIENT!
crap= people who MDI and ragequit or kill a key for fun in Mythic+
Good= patient people!
A real “new player” won’t have access to this dungeon at all
Gate of the Setting Sun
All real “new players” are funneled to Battle for Azeroth content not old content nor have access to old dungeons.
Welcome to modern WoW
“You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.”
If its trash mobs, try to get them into a tight ball so that the DPS can use their 5 mob Capped AoEs on 20 mobs to give them the illusion of thier “Big-D” damage and an endorphin rush of seeing multiple numbers on their screen. Keeps them happy, and happy DPS don’t push vote kicks. (unless they are just jerks, and that you cant help)
Sometimes a ranged enemy wont want to move close and hiding behind a corner will pull that guy into the deathball.
For most bosses you don’t want it facing anyone but you.
-keep up the good work and Happy Tanking
You’re the tank My Lad, take the reins! Be the Big Boss, they can’t do the dungeon without you after all. They either follow the tank or die, simple as.
I recommend watching one or more videos for a specific dungeon until you understand where to go and what to do when you encounter mobs and bosses, then specific queueing for that dungeon until you are comfortable with it.
Another thing that helped me a bunch - DPS (I know OP said they want to tank) but what helped me at first was → run a dung a couple times as a DPS to see how other tanks did it. Then run it myself as a tank.
Even now - I’ll occasionally run things as a DPS to see other’s route - maybe its better than mine and I can learn from it.
You’re right. I learned a lot by running dungeons on a mage or healer prior to tanking some of the more confusing ones.
You’re not really a new player.
If you keep getting kicked, try looking at the content you’re trying to do. Ensure that your gear matches up with the level of content you are trying. If your gear is lacking, try looking for world content that awards gear or look at the AH.
If you’re new to tanking try making friends/join a guild. Team up with those friends/guildies and run some normal/heroic dungeons with them, just so you can get a feel for the role and learn how to best use your abilities. If you’re struggling, ask questions. If those questions get answers you don’t like, don’t get mad.