Im a BM hunter and there are still too many keys to press

I was told that BM hunter was easy, but there are still way to many keys. What has less keys to press?

Whatever I play I want to use the best I can.

Will to survive key (unstun human)
Kill shot key
disengage key
3 different keys for traps
barbed key
cobra key
shot key
multi shot key
cheetah key
beast key
intimidation key
turtle key
flare key
hunters mark key.

I can keep going, but there are so many keys compared to classic. What is easier?

Arcane mage, 1 button

Just be a mage. For the most part all you’re doing is pressing one button.


well considering half those abilities are retail abilities, I would recommend trying TBC hunter over retail hunter, a lot less abilities.




I created mod:shift macros for all my hotkeys, so that I have a normal set of abilities without shift, and when I hold down the shift key I have access to the rest of them.

It makes it a lot easier to use all the skills we’re given as Hunters. For instance I have Steady Shot on the T key, and Kill Command is Shift-T.

I use ESDF for movement and then all the keys that surround them for my macros. I also have the movement keys set up as shift hotkeys, which makes power shifting on my Druid a piece of cake, since I have all the various forms macroed (S is bear, D is cat, E is ToL, F is cancelform, then C is Travel and V is Aquatic).

Just use the red X in the top right hand corner of your screen.

just do the stdy

i think this dudes talking retail

did you try drawing 2 cards

Only noobs click. The keybind is alt+F4


The TBC Hunter rotation is probably the hardest rotation out.

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Indeed, it is.

People just dont understand they gotta do their mechanics plus manage their pets.

Then they have a rotation that changes based off attack speed procs/cds.

They cant clip autos, and the 1 button macro clips autos.

Literally need to change rotation based off your weapon speed.

The EASIEST spec to raid is prolly shadow lock.

Literally curse of doom and spam shadowbolts.

0 pet managment required.


Honestly, yeah, that’s how I’m feeling, and my hunter is just 39. What if I want keys for bombs, helm swaps, trink swaps, tracking swaps, pet control, and so on? It’s madness. Reminds me of my UDK I played way back. Ugh. Not sure I’ll have it under control a decade later. We’ll see with the hunter I’m pushing to 70…

Why is there a decent amount of people posting here thinking this is retail? I don’t get it. Anyway, here’s some recommendations:

  1. BM Hunters in TBC Classic have less abilities than BM Hunters on Retail.
  2. Play Mage.
  3. Play Warlock.
  4. Don’t play Retail.
  5. Play with a device that allows you to bind more keys.
  6. Don’t play WoW at all.
  7. Click your abilities.
  8. lol.
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Just because you have a lot of buttons doesn’t mean you will ever use them all, your rotation is 3 buttons at most, nothing complex about top DPS classes like mages, warlocks, or hunters.

The title of your post made me hear that little childhood song “I’m a little teapot”

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its more about timing auto shots than the 3 button rotation, well 4 buttons if you count kill command.

Timing auto shots perfectly without ever clipping them is where the real rotation comes into play.


Dude tbc doesn’t even have some of those abilities. 100% troll post