Im a BM hunter and there are still too many keys to press

Except there is and there is way more to it. The biggest thing is not clipping your auto attack, which is extremely easy to do.

What’s the speed of your weapon? Is it better to clip your auto shots as a result?

The next thing is understanding how long it takes your group to kill a boss, and understanding your current level of gear. Every boss is different and the time will shorten as your group improves, so this is an ongoing process.

Can you get away with adding arcane and multi shot every single time it’s off cool down without having to switch to viper? If you can, can you still maintain a perfect rotation and not clip your autos? If you can only do one, which one is better for the situation and mana consumption compared to DPS?

Do you have enough time to pop bestial wrath and rapid fire more than once on the fight?

If you can pop it more than once, are both of those times ideal, or is it better to use the cooldown at one point in the fight instead?

When should you use your haste potions? Are you watching the other buffs you get that proc and add to haste so you aren’t stacking the wrong buffs?

The list goes on, but there’s a reason people have similar gear, similar fight duration, not cheesing the fights, and a 800 dps difference in eDPS for the fight.

3 buttons turns into a lot to think about and manage if you want to perform on a top-tier level. Not many people are capable of coming close to hitting their max DPS because of how many factors that actually goes into it beyond just the rotation itself.


Hardest rotation is prolly hunter.

Easiest rotation is Shadow Destruction Lock.

Literally curse of doom every minute and spam shadowbolts.


I couldn’t imagine melee weaving. I’ve played a hunter since day one and some of these expansions, I have a really hard time getting into the orange world or parsing :confused:

I definitely can’t speak for the other classes, but when I see people saying rogues are terrible for example, and then ours is always in the top five doing 1200-1400 DPS… feels like there is more of the same out there

And in retail, rotations are simplified, but that gives room to make encounters much much much more in depth and challenging


Melee weaving is supposed to be like a 400 DPS increase but idk seems hard to do.

Locks have it the easiest this xpac.

No pet management.

1 button rotation as shadow.

Top dps.

Be a totem twister shaman!

I think what makes it hard (melee weaving) is just like everything else. There is just a lot of variation (fight duration, gear and MP5, etc)

Adding in melee weaving you have to take into consideration every bosses hit box and pop in and out of each hit box perfectly to pull off

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