Ilvl inflation means you return and can't do anything

Yesterday you could queue for LFR easily but they buffed up the item lvl requirement to 463 for some reason. And its hard to gear out alts to catch up because the rewards are bugged lol


Nah, I wish lol.

Can still buy the honor gear and they didn’t reset honor from last season.

It was a good starting point, at least.

YA NO right now quests are only giving 350-398 i level gear.

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Do normal dungeons, then heroic dungeons.

Well yeah, they weren’t bugged when I made that suggestion. Obviously you should wait until it gets fixed lol.

The weekly feast/siege/hunt quest gave me a 398 trinket. Pretty much all weekly reward quests are broken right now. Half the time they award 300ish ilevel stuff from prior seasons.

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Heroic dungeons are now at used to be M0 level. M0 is now at what used to be M10 level but with no affixes or timer.

Well yea if the content rewards higher gear then the mobs are gonna be stronger and if everyone with low ilvls join the content you wont be able to do it

Strange, every single world event required for the last huzzah quest gave me a 480 item level piece but I did things at around 6:00 p.m. eastern time yesterday. The only kick in the teeth that I got from the boxes was that I got a healing mace from the Black Temple box, as a DPS.

while you aren’t playing, the game moves on. that’s just the nature of this type of game.

It’s not punishing at all. You didn’t play so you fell behind.

I’ve had it happen plenty of times. I’m a solo Open World player who also does LFR and LFD on occasion (mainly just TW) and I’ve never once had an issue “catching up” with in a reset cycle. Never have I felt punished, it’s the nature of the beast that is this MMO.

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Now I am, only thanks to timewalking. Would have been a lot harder to do on a non-timewalking week

You will need to do world content to catch up.

Honestly, you should not be able to just jump right into current dungeon/raid content after taking a break. That is not how it works.

You mean WoW progression, there are other MMOs that don’t use that system.

and if your looking for that to change in wow…it aint happening.

Sure, but every MMO i’ve ever used, gear is always upgraded and left behind

This. I was ilvl 454 when the patch hit, logged in afterward (by the time the timewalking box was fixed) and within 2 hours I was up to 475 just by doing the weekly quests and a few dailies. Such a large jump actually surprised me.


I like how you’re intentionally ignoring all the catch-up mechanisms in place specifically for players like yourself.

It took me like an hour to get from 407 to 472 on an alt. There’s the weekly, world boss, soup, great hunt, some wqs, dreamsurges, i think the rifts give loot but I forgot to do it. Oh! and there’s Timewalking.

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I ended the season at 463. I only did LFR and only timed +10 on all but the Dawn dungeons. This is a player made problem, cuz I havent played in almost 2 weeks, and yet I just looked, and I can que for LFR.

There are also TONS of catch up mechanics. Gearing has literally, and I mean LITERALLY never been this easy. I kinda feel like its too easy.