Ilvl inflation means you return and can't do anything

“maybe I will do some heroics” - oh my ilvl too low
“maybe I can run LFR” - oh my ilvl too low

ilvl inflation makes it feel very punishing when you come back and content you COULD do before you took a break, you can no longer do.


Kinda like real life. IF things change when youre away, you need to catch up to be right where you were before.


That’s why normal, heroic and mythic 0 dungeons are queuable. The moment you got a good amount of gear from heroic and mythic 0 you’ll be able to queue for LFR

So what is your issue about?


You will have it much easier catching up than everyone that had to do it from launch.


World content gives 450 and 480 gear. Do some wq’s and the soup event and queue to your heart’s content.


Evidently they don’t have the ilvl to queue, which can be a problem if they’ve been gone that long.

However, from what I’ve heard the ilvl requirement to queue for LFR wasn’t updated for S4/awakened, which means it should be a very low bar to clear in order to queue up for that. You’d probably die to basically every mechanic if your ilvl is sub-400, but you should still be able to enter.

Aside from that, you can do the three weekly quests for a pretty decent quantity of usable gear. The world event one for DF, and the two timewalking quests (one for TW dungeons/raid bosses and one for clearing the TW raid). You’ll get loot from those quest rewards, plus whatever you might get while in the process of completing them. And timewalking shouldn’t really have an ilvl requirement at all, considering it’s also used for leveling and you get scaled down anyway.

that’s how the game has always worked.

catch-up gear is all over the place for this reason.

Define queueable, because they definitely aren’t on dungeon finder unless I’m blind.

I mean. Like people said, this is always the case and there are numerous gearing mechanics. Even the campaign can get you a good base 424 Ilvl, then move on to normal dungeons and maybe heroic (idk the new requirement for that)

Sure it feels bad replacing purples with blues but hey in like 5 or 6 months it will be greens replacing those purples.

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News to me…


I started with a character that was 435 or so last week.

Did some open world content, got to 450 last week.
Did Timewalking dungeons, got to 460.
Did Mythic 0 and LFR, got to 480.

Wasn’t too hard.

Timewalking has no item level requirement - go run Timewalking!

You aren’t supposed to return.


Do the timewalking quest then the weekly valdraken quest, and you’ll prob be good to queue to heroics. If not, run some normals.

Or just complain you can’t do anything, I guess. W/e makes you happy.

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Lol just buy all honor greens and upgrade them to blues.

Oh right, nobody PvPs so nobody would even have the honor, let alone think of doing that lol.

I was ready to go on day one thanks to vendor honor greens.

they shoulda made gearing catchups but… oh well…

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welcome to the basics of MMO progression. Time doesnt stop for you

Prior to this patch it wasn’t a big deal. They let you buy up Dreambound boxes to be up to snuff in one day. Now, unfortunately, they turned off the vendor the sells those items, so now the highest ilvl loot you can get to shore up weak spots are Primalist gear which was like 395 at most.

dream surges give something higher, i reckon 415 but you have to get random drops since like you said, they turned the vendor off

You can get several 480 and even 506 pieces with fresh 70 ilvl right now. The weekly sends you to feast/siege/hunt, timewalking dugeons for the weekly, Black Temple for 493 gear drops and a 506 ilvl box at the end, all personal loot and guaranteed pieces with no ilvl requirements. World bosses can also drop 493 gear, along with the new WQ greens being over 450 ilvl.

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They’ve gone back to upgrading PvP gear with honor, after last season requiring flightstones and crests?

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Aren’t heroics 441 ilvl requirement? And aren’t you 443?