Ilvl brackets need to exist

Warmode = Off lol.

They said they’re not a wimp.

Except they used a different word.

For a 10-man bg, maybe.

The same can’t be said for a 40v40 bg.

I think the system would quickly run into matchmaking issues when trying to find 80 players that are “equal” in terms of item level.

I guess it all depends on how many players are in the queue in NA.

If you can’t handle undergeared players in casual PvP, find another game.

Telling players to PvE, which they may hate, is stupid. Encouraging players to do the other half dozen ways to earn conquest instead.


Just came out of a BfG where the ally had a Vengance DH with 150 hp. :joy::joy:


Yeah dude, expecting people to not be one dimensional is sooo dumb :rofl: Like why play the game if you hate 90% of it?

And I never said anything about not being able to handle queueing with these people. I’ll happily keep dunking on the ones I play against and making fun of the ones on my teams as they get dunked on. I’m just telling this guy why his idea is dumb.

I play both alliance and horde. Horde pvp is soooo much more enjoyable. Just about everyone know what to do and, I don’t keep track of it, but horde, on average, has to be 20-30 ilvls more than each alliance players. The battles are so lopsided it’s sad and very frustrating. I swear that new players start off alliance and then when they get half way decent at the game, they switch to horde. The average win rate for random bgs 40vs40 is 20%. 1 out of 5. There was once I didn’t have a win in 9 matches. It was an all day affair to win one match for a measly 65 conquest points. My horde toon, by doing bgs, world pvp, an assault and picking up the crate drops can fill her conquest bar in a single day. My alliance toon has to work all week at it. Makes me question the reason why I bother at all.

Just doing the time walking event was a challenge because of new players and severely under-geared people.

I am on the verge of just giving up. Don’t mind losing once in while, but losing fight after fight and not by just a little bit, getting pounded to dust and then pounded more, the grief just isn’t worth it.


Neither is putting 340 ilvl with 480

That is a BG Jabroni for you, this cannot be saved.
Natural Selection in our Pixel world.

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I’ve always liked having a power curve that felt reasonably surmountable. I used to get max level, jump into bg’s and feel WEAK! But i knew with a couple weeks of grinding, if that, i would be just as strong as the people crushing me. You used to be able to FEEL yourself getting stronger with every piece of gear. Five or six pieces of gear in you could really feel the difference and feel like you could almost start to contribute in a meaningful way. Getting stronger felt great!

Now, i dread hitting 120. Knowing what it will take to be able to compete with the geared guys just makes me not want to play. Gearing alone would take months of M+ and heroic/mythic raiding, which i got out of the raiding scene a while back so, i guess if i got lucky for 5 or 6 months of M+ boxes i might be able to put together something halfway decent. Essences…Neck…Just too many hoops and too much of a time commitment atm to maaaaaybe almost be able to compete with geared players.

I guess what im trying to say is…Bring back PVP vendors. Thanks


Kang, you crack me up. :rofl: :joy:

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Couple weeks you say? You can be on par in a couple days now…

All the apex predators have tentacles.


On my priest i hit 120 and within a few days i was 440ilvl. This puts me in bg’s around 330k HP. Most people i run up against have 550-600k HP. I wouldnt really call that on par. For me to get my neck level to the point where my HP is somewhat comparable, proper corruptions, leveled essences, the strong PVE gear, just feels a bit too steep to me.

I think what it may be is that i’ve always been the type of player who just wants to log in, run some bg’s and log off. Not be forced to log in daily and do a few hours of PVE stuff BEFORE i can do anything else. I dont know, whatever it is, it just feels like too much to get to the point where i feel like im on an even playing field. Its fine though, not complaining, if i dont like it i dont have to play so that’s usually the route i take.


Yea, randoms used to offer the best gear for pvp (through conquest points) Luckily they changed that. It would be like players logging in and just doing LFR for mythic gear. Kinda negates the whole game. If you want the best gear you do a combo of pvp and pve.

The state of the game shows most people disagree with you so, hopefully they can meet somewhere in the middle in shadowlands. Always a middle ground for everything and this wasnt it.


Those people with 500-600k hp have been putting in time and effort playing rated, m+ and raids to get their gear to that point. Why should you be “on par” with them by playing a few days of random bg’s?

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Never said it should take a few days. I said it would take months to get to that point, which felt a little steep. Hitting 120 and coming to terms with the realization that you wont be very powerful in a random bg for 3-5 months just doesnt feel good. Just my opinion though.


8.3 has been out for 3 months, so those people have been progressing their characters for months. Why do you feel you deserve the same rewards for less effort?

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