Ilvl brackets need to exist

WQs scale rewards to your current ilevel. As a fresh 120, you’ll get really low ilevel rewards.

You’re asking people to run mythic dungeons and raids before they take one step into random bgs.


Mythic 0’s are the equivalent of what heroics were in TBC/Wrath; they’re incredibly easy and LFR is a joke as usual. If this is too much for you find another game.

As a fresh 120, your ilevel will be around 325 if you played through the major questline in each zone.

Good luck getting into mythic 0 groups. Your ilevel is too low to even queue for heroic dungeons or LFRs.


As I said, I’ve done this on 2 characters in the past week purely with pugs. You can send yourself BoA gear from invasions to boost your ilvl enough to get started in any of that stuff.

Assuming they have another max level toon and they’ve been running invasions.

Sure, it’s easy to boost your ilevel with BoAs, BoEs, carries, etc. But if you don’t have that stuff (and it’s not time-walking week), it takes a lot longer to reach 430+ ilevel.


Yes, if you don’t have a 120 already it will take slightly longer (not by much) as it should.

No it won’t. Got my Druid to 444 ilvl in short time. Assaults/cp cap/cloak quest/etc.

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Doesn’t take that long to gear up these days though I do find it kind of strange how someone with sometimes 50k health would even want to join a BG like that.

At least get a bit of gear :slight_smile: (And this coming from someone who would always defend play what you want casually lol)

At this point if i had a M0 I needed to run I would invite anyone lol

Just gotta do some PVE for fastest method of Targeting selected stats/pcs.
PVE is the way.

My 2 cents is that I think “matchmaking by healers” is fine, since it makes for fairer/more balanced bgs. I think most players would be fine with slightly higher queue times, in order for both teams to get a similar # of healers.

But when you start to matchmake off of additional stuff such as honor level, item level, “skill”, etc then that’s when I see queue times going thru the roof. Probably not practical, unless you’re fine with much longer queue times.

They’d have to put all the players into the same pool. No more faction divide.

Then, they could matchmake based on various factors without queue times exploding.

Not really, even if they put everyone into the same playpool “cross-faction” style then there would still not be enough players to keep the queue times low/acceptable.

For example, there’s only so many honor level 300-400 honor level players, only so many 430 item level players, only so many 470+ item level players, etc etc.

Queue times might stay the same or go down for low-geared players (since there’s an abundance of casuals and fresh 120 types), but higher-geared players would see their queue times skyrocket.

Maybe even readjust the Magic Scaling™ so the Low end (400) is viable with the High end (470?) of our gearing spectrum.
Make an Ilvl requirement even. 400?
Although with Essences/Cloak/Corruptions DMG, would this even help?

You would only need ~20 of them to start a bg.

~20 in the same “bracket” in the NA queue.

I guess it’s hard to say because we don’t know the average total number of players in the bg queue.

Well I wouldn’t say they shouldn’t but if they queue up in 300 or less ilvl gear then they should be prepared to take some lumps. The game hands you gear from everything, you can be 420-440 in like a day or 2 before you jump into pvp.


BFA just has too many barriers of entry to PvP.

I asked a returning friend they had their Essences right? When they opened up an almost empty list of Azerite Essences, I nearly fainted.


Remember when Entry Level Crafted PVP pieces were a viable option?
Ilvl 400 BFA 8.3 Pcs are only good for boosting your Ilvl in order to get better PVE pcs. A joke.


Tell that friend to have fun doing Magni quests for the next 6 hours.


Yeah… That didn’t go over so well.

Especially when they kept getting ganked by geared players.