Ilterendi 5/10 heroic SoD is recruiting for our mythic raid team

9.1 launches in 12 days. Looking to fill the last remaining spots now!

Still looking to fill those last few spots

Looking for competitive players

Looking for a couple more

9.1 Incoming

still looking for some good deeps and a healer

Happy July 4th weekend

Oh Sure, Happy 4th but you missed Canada day :frowning:

ook ook warrior approves

We need more Chickens (Insert chik-fil-a meme) druids

how about a cow chicken :stuck_out_tongue: Best of both worlds!

Bump, bump, bump it up! Bring me, people.

Nobody wants to bring you Arelles =)

Polite Bump, we are 5/10, looking for a handful of players to add to our mythic roster next week

bump bump bump it up!

Dropped an app off on the Wowprog link

Polite Bump