[H] 10/10Mxp 224 Spriest, Hunter, and Warrior LFG!

Early bumpy

Bump for Father’s Day

9.1 we are ready to grind!

To the top please

hey, i added you on discord. i look forward to talking with you. we’re looking for your exact make at Emeral Parrots on Zul’Jin. 4/10 mythic 2 nights a week wednesdays and sundays with optional friday for fun run.

Still looking for a home!

To the top!

The group we were playing with disbanded without any notice :frowning:

Top please

Need a home!

Need a group please!

To the top!

Premonition (9/10M CN, Cutting Edge HFC+EN+NH+Ant+Uldir+BoD+TEP+Nya) is a Horde guild on US-Magtheridon. Our raid team has been together since MoP and we pride ourselves in maintaining a stable home for players. We are looking to bolster our roster with players who are interested in progressing Mythic content. While we maintain a laid-back, non-elitist environment, we are in no means casual – our goal every tier is to push CE. Outside of raid, we have an active player base looking to complete M+’s every day to farm gear/io. We also play games outside of WoW and have an active Discord.

Raid Times:
Monday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Tuesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Thursday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST

Extensive knowledge of your class
Non-toxic/elitist attitude
Consistent attendance (90%+)
Ability to communicate (have a working mic)
Bring dps/health pots (we provide flasks, food buffs, and vantus runes)
Desire to be competitive

Feel free to apply at h.ttps://bit.ly/2mq18ln (remove the period in https)

Btag - Ludacris#1776, or Limeyman#1556; Contact us in-game with any questions and to start the painless application process.

Bump, are you still looking for a guild?

Hey we are still looking

Ilterendi 8/10 Mythic Castle recruiting for 9.1 - Illidan - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hey there!

I just sent ya over a friend request on Discord. I’d love to chat a little bit with you and potentially even get a group chat going with you guys to talk a bit more. Going to post my guild recruitment post for you, as well.

Who is Valhalla?

Valhalla (10/10M CN) is a two day mythic guild on the Maiev server cluster pushing for CE yet again in Sanctum of Domination. We are looking for skilled ranged DPS (Boomkin & MM Hunter high priority), a WW Monk, and an Unholy DK to join our core raid team. Any exceptional DPS will also be considered so feel free to give us a shout! Non-raiders are also welcome to join our guild as we do lots of M+ and PVP between downing raid bosses.

We all genuinely enjoy hanging out with each other and often play games together outside of WoW. Whether we are progressing in raid, pushing keys, just doing our weekly +15, pvp’ing, or playing something else, we always are having a good time.

Raid Times: Monday/Wednesday 6-9PM PST (9PM-Midnight EST)

What do we look for in a raider?

  • Attendance - Show up consistently on time (logged in and in the raid instance before raid starts). We understand that real life happens so please ensure that you communicate any absences as far in advance as possible (vacation, holidays etc.)
  • Attitude - We like a positive attitude! We don’t tolerate toxicity in the guild. We expect members to treat each other and non-members with respect. We want raiders to have a progression focused mindset, but enjoy yourself during raid, too. An understanding that you may need to be sat for group comp on some bosses is appreciated.
  • Skills & Other Expectations - We expect each raider to show up with a solid understanding of their class including covenants, soulbinds, and conduits. Our RL usually posts strats and videos ahead of time in discord as well. A willingness to flex role if needed is a bonus, but not required. We do expect raiders to do at least one +15 key a week for vault gear.

Please feel free to message me on discord at Circyl#6250 or on Bnet at Circyl#1359. We’d love to have ya on the team!

An application can also be filled out at: https://forms.gle/n4E63ihdrqMGMXPn9

To the top please

Late night bump