Illidan Warglaive Transmog

Just had a question about the Warglaive transmog.

Do you have to have the Warglaives first in order to get the Transmog or can I do the Black Temple time walking first and get the Warglaives in the next few weeks?

You have to have the achievement for acquiring (read equipping) both warglaives on a character on your account. You do not have to kill TW Illidan with that character or with your dh. Just have to get the achievement for killing him after you have the glaive achievement.

Then get on your DH, go to the transmog and click on warglaives. They’ll be there.

Thanks for the response.

Gotta wait until the end of May then. Only have 1 at the moment. :frowning:

Probably will have to wait longer. WOD tw will most likely be then.

Yes, definitely have to get the warglaives FIRST before doing BT timewalking. I remember looking this up before getting mine and being so confused because different sources say different things.

Good luck, it’s worth it!

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Question before I decide whether or not to run back to the Black Temple again: Does the lockout still apply? I’m not very clear on how lockouts work and I’m not sure if this means I’m stuck only able to farm the warglaives once a week or if I can resent my instances. I’m going to guess I’m on a timer either way though. Would really suck if it’s really a week with BC Timewalking going on right now.

Still a weekly lockout per character (though multiple characters can run it per account per week). DHs can skip a large number of the bosses, though. Once you kill Supremus (enormous blue infernal), go inside, turn left, and go into the corner of the big room where a chain reaches the ground. You can scale the chain by double jump -> gliding up it, without moving your character forwards (which causes you to slip). Once you get high enough, you can turn and jump to a balcony which leads to Mother. You only have to kill 5 bosses total.

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I already killed every single boss earlier just because it’s my first time seeing this raid and I wanted to see it, but I’ll be doing this in all future runs. Thanks! And fingers crossed RNG doesn’t hate me.

Yeaaaah good luck. I got my first glaive on my rogue back when it was content. I ended up clearing BT over 100 times before i got the matching set.

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A friend of mine has gotten 5 offhands and 0 mainhands. Needless to say, she’s slightly annoyed with RNGesus.

So just to clarify, if I get both glaives on my rogue, could I then clear Time walking Black Temple with my warlock, and unlock the xmog for my demon Hunter? Even tho my DH has never set foot in BT?

Yep. You just have to equip both glaives on the same toon to get the achievement first (not just get them to drop).

Thank you very much :grinning:

I should really start running these to try and get it. Used to have the glaives on my warrior but some reason when i boosted him, it effed all his gear and he lost them… idk. weird.

I just got the off-hand on attempt 2, which pleases me. I’m glad there’s a few months between now and the next BC timewalk because I really don’t trust my luck to give me the main hand before then (if I can even get it by then, lol).

Wait, so DO NOT run multiple characters then ? Once one of them gets 1 weapon, that character then has to be the ONLY one that can run it after for 2/2 ?

Blizzard is this disgusting…

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Ish. There’s a reasonable probability that you might get both on another toon before you get the remaining one on that toon.

But it has to be on the same server as the character DH you want it on, right ?

I’m 95% certain it does not. The pre-requisite is having the achievement for equipping both glaives at the same time on the same character. That achievement is account-wide once earned, so server shouldn’t matter.

change that to 100%. My character with glaives was a horde rogue on malorne. my dh without glaives was alliance on moon guard. killed timewalking illidan on my dh and got the achievement.