Illidan Trade Chat

Logged in and disabled global ignore addon for trade chat spams, which I had on for years.

I’m seeing some Chuck Norris jokes, Thunderfury, barrens references, among other stuff.
Not a single Huokan mention.
All those level 1 characters near the bank are gone.

Thank you, Blizzard


Same for Area 52. It’s a beautiful day.

wiggles toes in delight


Imagine having trade chat enabled.


Nice the boosting trade chat mafia is gone


Nature is healing.


As a fellow Illidianer… there real life people in trade chat now??? I’m at work and can’t see this glory for myself yet.


Same here. Stormrage chat is alive and well. We’re talking about removing toenails currently


I remember reading claims stating Retail WoW Server Communities have been dead for years. These boosting communities and their endless tradechat spam with their “services” contributed somehow for that. And now the simple fact that trade chat being readable again is a step in the right direction.

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Ive had trade chat off since MoP and I plan on keeping it off. Its just going to go back to politics. Only takes 1 troll to mention something that sets off everybody else.


It will only be gone until guilds start popping up on specific servers to do the boosts. Which is still legal. Illidan will be a prime target for this since its higher population. Enjoy the silence for a few days, I guess? lol


I guess MG has been spoiled this whole time, trade is usually just politics and meme spam with very little booster spam for as long as I’ve been in

LOL, Malfurion has been spoiled pretty much too. Very rare booster add, worse we get is some crazy who does a “movie night” over trade.

Can only hope they push for criminal prosecution of all involved with boosting and RMT

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Honestly that sounds awesome. How did that work?

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I haven’t had this much fun in several years if I’m being honest. The goofiness of people and random convos are what makes communities.

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I needed it once when I had no rogues for lock boxes.

Now…i have 3 of them. 2 on alliance, 1 horde. I can open my own boxes now.

Hyjal Trade chat is the same. No boosting adverts.

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you still have that addon to block all the Chinese characters?

That’s because they were selling boosts, not ERP in Goldshire. :slight_smile: