Illidan Alliance Reconnections

Swisha - Human Paladin


Where is Juelez at ?!

Am I ready for this level of reunion?

I remember you too!!! Hi!!


Yeah re-doing the pally on Myzreal

Greetings from Casmar Phoenix era. Still play Cas on Silverhand. Cheers.

CASMAR! You helped me get my pally mount and Im eternally indebted to you.

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Krysta - NE Hunter, NE Druid
Guilds - Nocturnal, Enix

Hey Archon! Long time no see!

Hey Loreene/Thorek/Krs, nice seeing old names. This is Astaldar/Grytswyrm.

Grytswyrm#1812 if you want to add me.

Yo! It’s Belenus - hit me up on discord Sharked#9865

Warlock - Warpath

Hey! I am in contact with a few people from CE like, druman, fuzzybeard, Titanikus, Tatonka…ect

If your interested in talking to us let me know. Bnet- Ruffues#1412

What up Niadanak! A bunch of us are on Herod, come roam!

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Pharin- Female Human Warlock. The aggrowench. 15 years and I still can’t PvP.
Anarys- Female Night Elf Hunter
Guilds-305Kingz and others.
Would love to find some old friends, certain priests and rogues especially.

Dwarf warrior

Looking for ol peeps, (Landis, Dasani, mogwurt, Mirdys, old GoW crew)

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no way it’s obviously Vienen LOL

Hello. You looking for me?
I played on Illidan, was in Dork Legion and Clan Imbrium and probably a few others i forgot.

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Thundercles - Paladin
Played in Dork Legion and Clan Imbrium and a few others.
I’ve rolled alliance on Whitemane currently but I might switch to another server.

Old friends please add me on Thundercles#1411 or Discord: Thundercles#4596


Human - Server only Mace Rogue extraordinaire (along with Karim anyway)


Playing currently on atiesh for the time being will be xfr soon



Let me know a way to get connected and I’ll reach out. Look forward to it my man, it has been too long.

Korbio NE Rogue
Krymzon Human Rogue

Guilds: Defiant, Nocturnal, there were others I believe but I can’t remember their names.

Add me on Bnet TheWolf#1873