Swisha - Human Paladin
Where is Juelez at ?!
Swisha - Human Paladin
Where is Juelez at ?!
Am I ready for this level of reunion?
I remember you too!!! Hi!!
Yeah re-doing the pally on Myzreal
Greetings from Casmar Phoenix era. Still play Cas on Silverhand. Cheers.
CASMAR! You helped me get my pally mount and Im eternally indebted to you.
Krysta - NE Hunter, NE Druid
Guilds - Nocturnal, Enix
Hey Archon! Long time no see!
Hey Loreene/Thorek/Krs, nice seeing old names. This is Astaldar/Grytswyrm.
Grytswyrm#1812 if you want to add me.
Yo! It’s Belenus - hit me up on discord Sharked#9865
Warlock - Warpath
Hey! I am in contact with a few people from CE like, druman, fuzzybeard, Titanikus, Tatonka…ect
If your interested in talking to us let me know. Bnet- Ruffues#1412
What up Niadanak! A bunch of us are on Herod, come roam!
Pharin- Female Human Warlock. The aggrowench. 15 years and I still can’t PvP.
Anarys- Female Night Elf Hunter
Guilds-305Kingz and others.
Would love to find some old friends, certain priests and rogues especially.
Dwarf warrior
Looking for ol peeps, (Landis, Dasani, mogwurt, Mirdys, old GoW crew)
no way it’s obviously Vienen LOL
Hello. You looking for me?
I played on Illidan, was in Dork Legion and Clan Imbrium and probably a few others i forgot.
Thundercles - Paladin
Played in Dork Legion and Clan Imbrium and a few others.
I’ve rolled alliance on Whitemane currently but I might switch to another server.
Old friends please add me on battle.net: Thundercles#1411 or Discord: Thundercles#4596
Human - Server only Mace Rogue extraordinaire (along with Karim anyway)
Playing currently on atiesh for the time being will be xfr soon
Let me know a way to get connected and I’ll reach out. Look forward to it my man, it has been too long.
Korbio NE Rogue
Krymzon Human Rogue
Guilds: Defiant, Nocturnal, there were others I believe but I can’t remember their names.
Add me on Bnet TheWolf#1873