Yes i have been looking for you! You where my arena partner right?
I think I just lost my mind!
How can i get in contact with you? Add me on discord or battlenet. Bnet= Ruffues#1412 Discord = Zerofoxgiven#0092
Yes i have been looking for you! You where my arena partner right?
I think I just lost my mind!
How can i get in contact with you? Add me on discord or battlenet. Bnet= Ruffues#1412 Discord = Zerofoxgiven#0092
Yea i have horde on whitemane alot of my irl friends are there, all of my allies are over on Fairbanks (Fairbanks is my main server and i rolled ally). I am totally down to group with you. I am super upset i didnt see your post sooner. I work 2 jobs and have been slammed for both and this up coming week it will slow down. I sent you discord and bnet request
Tombs Night Elf Rogue
Honor Guard of Lisa and The Grayrage
-DIE is on Herod, Alliance
Yay! good memories there. About to do it for my Classic pally also named Casmar over on Rattlegore. Me and Hitmane are there. Any luck connecting with any other toons?
Hello robert
Hello Sir, Casmar here. my battletag is Hasmar1503. hit me up so we can catch up.
Hey there Myschala. This is Nexxx from VEA/Bloodfin . Where are people playing now? I’ve thinking of coming back to classic.
you are a legend
I guess I’m late to the party. Better late than never.
Character - Rhythalia - Night Elf Priest
Guilds - Saga, The Elven Empire (ELvN)
Friends - Asuki, Melvia, Vineyard, Ilood, Eloderung, Siberia, Landis, Superpally, Shaylena, Orangebeard, Retrefry, Priscilla, Mogwurt, Howitzer, Fren
Some names I can’t remember.
First Alliance Grand Marshal for Priest. Former AV Allstars leader (Combined with Saga, Warpath, Midnight Crusaders, Midnight Raiders, Serenity Now, Hell Crew, Vae Victis, The Elven Empire, Dork Legion, GoW). No horde can defy us!
Didn’t play classic yet but I’m maining on Frostmourne.
Quebecoi Dwarf Hunter
Guilds : Solid Alliance , argent dawn and serenity now ( didnt raid much )
from lvl 40 to 60 i was dueling non stop in frount of If and sometimes sw too.
during wrath i switched to priest named Solange i was 2nd highest rating priest on alliance 2v2s
Night elf hunter: Thegmän
Guild: Painbringerz and some other guild name I created myself but can’t remember but stayed guildless for the mostpart
Would attack horde with me having very crappy gear regardless of how many were in the group.
Also had interactions with someone by the name of Artemisnight who gave me money for Oily Blackmouths when I was just starting out.
Human Warlock: Blackvoid
Night Elf Druid: Hamsrevenge
Guild: Was in a few over the years; GankSquad, Defiant, Serenity Now, Nocturnal (my first raiding guild), Bandit Kings, and a few others I can’t recall.
Hope yall are well out there.