Merc, yoooooooo. It’s allignome! Holla at ya boo!!!
Allignome: gnome mage
Wildmike: dwarf warrior
Illidan-jinxed, argent dawn, vVV
Where my peoples at!?!
Siwolf, pillownibbler, blackbriar, nozferatu, Triopas, Ryde, Thorz, Merc, Furriesmight, get at ya gnomie!
What is going on! Its been a long time. You on discord?
Nailo - Night Elf Rogue
Enix ('05 - '06), Explicit ('06 - '07)
Safin here. Hi Wartorn friends. I used to hang mostly with:
Humadbane: Human Paladin
Thristern: Human Paladin
Teiranda - Night Elf Druid
I was in Clan Imbrium, Vendetta, Evolution, Malevolence, Letum Turmalis, Desolation, Resurrection, etc lol.
Your name sounds reeeeally familiar and so do the guilds
I was in CI and desolation too!
LLTMR! Roflcoptr
Of course I find Stjimmy on the first page :). You thinking about logging in for Classic?
I was in CI also in BC did you know a guy named thundercleas? Been trying to see if he was coming back.
Doesn’t ring a bell off the bat but I remember your name! Only people I remember from CI off the top of my head were Kord and Janelle (sp?) she was a priest. Also this release is grade A vanilla vibes. 20000 person queue
Hey, I remember you. We used to hang out together with another druid named Hkarmy. I think I was in Midnight Raiders at the time.
I thought i remembered you =), i remembered twit holy pally and yea she was a priest. I just got off work so looking forward to logging in and letting the que tick down while i sleep lol
Astaldar, my man
it’s Loreene - we used to chill with Thunderwolff
Loreene NE Rogue
Guilds: Shards of Existence, PoDB, SOLID, etc
Seeing all the OG guild names hits right in the feels
Vienen - Dwarf Priest
Guilds: Critical Error, The Guardians, Hoax, Resurrection
Materi - Gnome Mage
Jenova - Night Elf Rogue
Guilds - Divine Rite, I think?
Played here in '06.
Hey, its Huntermerc from CE. I am in contact with some fellow guildies hit me up on bnet Ruffues#1412
I’ll be on Herod (when I can get past queue) one-shotting mages again with a Barman’s Shanker.
And no, I have not spoken to that B**** Arti in 10 years.