Illegitimate Gladiator Titles

True there’s no functional difference here.


I don’t care if someone buys glad. I only care when they lie about it and try to use it as leverage in arguments. If someone never mentioned it and was just honest like “yeah I bought that I liked the mount” I don’t think anyone would give them a hard time.


The “religious” schools always had the wildest parties, best drugs, biggest whooahs, and most clueless & enabling “my childs an angel” parents.



I was curious about the wow search results returning RMT sites. And so I spun up a fresh VM, no history, no account log in, new copy of a gold VM, and did a basic World of Warcraft search and the first 5 pages I looked through were all legit sites. There was not a single RMT/pay site present. I did not go further.

I am not seeing what others are seeing as far as RMT sites being highly placed. I don’t in my standard surfing VM’s either. Those results are just never returned for me.

So perhaps the results you are seeing are the results of past searches tainting the returned results. Basically the results are returned based on your profile/past searches etc.

Edit: I should note this is also the case with duckduckgo, etc. I assume the same with default Bing results as well.

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Beadie how do you respond to the results of Lorethon’s investigation?

Legend is a joke to get

Yeah, when people buy it then walk around with an ego is the funniest thing.

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Weird take but I would almost put this near the bottom. Yes it is scummy, but it’s mostly done by straight PVErs who are so detached from PVP it’s just another mount to them.

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Most to least scum bag for me would be:

  1. Exploiting bugs
  2. Playing with bug abusers
      • MASSIVE GAP - - -
  1. Buying pilot
      • Another gap - - -
  1. Wintrading
  2. Gladiator win cheesing
  3. Buying self-play

Cheating is cheating and should just be straight banned, and if you’re playing with it you’re literally enabling them to queue.

Buying a pilot is similarly cheating and against the ToS.

Wintrading is super scummy, but most often only impacts people who mutually consent to it.

Win cheesing actually got soft-nerfed and if youre below 2100(?) Mmr-ish or someone on your team is below that cr or mmr, your win doesn’t count. That being said, it’s still scummy, but you still need to actually play and win against players who could all realistically be gladiators.

Self-play purchases are the least scummy because you’re still playing your character and aren’t fundamentally different from having someone with bigher xp signing up to your lfg or paying for a coach in a sport IRL.

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This has been a fascinating thread. Basically everyone agrees that exploitation is the top by far

I guess this topic has reached the state:

who cares about this? anyone? just curious

At least 20 people, given the amount of unique posters in the thread. Unsurprising that a purchaser would want to minimize though.


20 people … ig man gj /shrug

Blizzard needs to put all these titles on their store.