I'll still take Sylvanas over Anduin

It does annoy me a bit that Blizz thinks it’s being all mysterious by not telling any of the Warcheif’s goals to Horde players. It’s like they’ve been watching bad Animes where no one can share useful information with each other because “it’s not time yet”.

Sylv: “Finally, Player, our true plans will be complete!”
Peon: “What plans? I have no clue what’s happening. Why am I even here?”


It’s the perfect breeding ground for conspiracy theories and the game doesn’t reflect that as everyone, including the PC, just plays along until Bliz determines that the civil war plot needs to progress a little more.

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Anduin needs to buy some protein powder and get on test like his dad. Sylvie needs to blow her nose and relax a little. They are both awful characters with no entertainment value in my opinion. While both are an attempt to be profound or deep they both fall flat horrifically.


Sylvanas is … Sylvanas. A tired old character trope. The female ranger. Attractive according to lore (Kaelthas had eyes for her and it is mentioned she was beautiful in life). Highly skilled. Dark/grim. Anti Hero /sometimes villain.

Sort of a run of the mill character-type in many video games. Her lines are often written and delivered wonderfully, even if she is sort of … typical, as a character.

Anduin tho - I like that he is seriously and earnestly forthright and good, yet young, inexperienced, and naive. I think we do not have enough youth in the story. The characters are aging out. Taelia and Zekhan are something.

There is alot there in Anduin. It just isn’t used well. Anduin’s good will and earnest attitude comes from his experiences. It isn’t some dogma. I actually think he represents “wisdom from the mouth of babes”.

My complaint with Anduin is that he makes mistakes - but they end up just fine! There are very few events where he is wrong and really has consequences.

The closest thing I can think of is that he admits failing the Night Elves who burned at Teldrassil. That seems hollow and a bit of a stretch, but at least he admits failing at something. And he says he won’t make that mistake again.

He wasn’t really that involved in it, tho. How could he have ordered Tyrande to not send her army to Silithus if she offered? Perhaps he did the spy thing incorrectly, but Nathanos and Saurfang fooled his spies on purpose. It seems a bit hollow to have him admit fault for something he had little involvement in.

I hope Anduin has a real crisis of conscience. Freeing Saurfang is close to that - except again, no repercussions from Tyrande or anyone so far. It is going as he hoped. Saurfang is rallying Thrall, Baine, and Lorthemar against Sylvanas.

It could have been a moment of Alliance drama. Maybe it still will be.


I’ll join you guys. Our alliance will cause the story forum to burn the ground.

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I’d honestly prefer Edwin VanCleef as High King of the Alliance over Anduin. I think this adequately expresses how I feel towards Anduin Wrynn: