I'll still take Sylvanas over Anduin

There. I said it. Even a Sylvanas as ludicrously Saturday morning cartoon villainish as the BfA model is preferable to the wet squib the Alliance got stuck with. At least there is entertainment to be had from Sylvanas.

Alliance players, you have my sympathies.


I prefer Sylvanas over Anduin because she seems more complex, to me, and more interesting. Although, I like their juxtaposition and that they’re not similar.


That’s fair. I personally feel physically sick when I hear Sylvanas at this point, but to each their own.


My eyes glaze over every time Sylvanas says something. The more I look at her, the more punchable her face appears, and yet no one punches it. I just end up confused, upset, and frustrated.

Personally, I just want to see what it looks like when this whole story blows apart.



Typing in non-caps here to keep the forum bot from stopping me from posting.


Complex or convoluted?


One is an overly evil cartoonish monster who’s reasons are “lmao u dissed me so I burned ur tree loosr.”

The other is “wow why can’t we all get along omg look another genocide and monstrous mass murder time to make everybody get along.”

The only reason that Anduin is only slightly more tolerable is because he doesn’t have Bowguy McEvildead running around being an insulting self insert for some thirsty writer who made “Robin Hood… But bad” stand up to a demigod because his waifus sisterhood of the travelling pants covered him in glitter.

It’s okay, Horde lose another leader and Tyrande got her vengeance.

What even is the story at this point???


Wow what a constructive thread!

“Anduin is wee wee head Sylvanasis betta!!!”


He clearly said complex.

Entertainment? We’re supposed to be entertained by her? Looks more like a crucifixion of the faction to me.


That seems a little unfair, Anduin doesn’t do much ingame nor would it make sense for him to change.

Anduin is the Mr. Magoo of leaders.

He sends Genn on a mission to keep an eye on Sylvanas, and tells him to only attack if the situation demanded it. But before Genn even departs, he says he doesn’t hunt without intending to kill. Then he rains hell on Sylvanas the moment he has a clear shot. Anduin really showed his understanding and command over his subordinates.

That ends up being a reason why Saurfang agrees to initiate the War of Thorns as a campaign that was necessary for the Horde’s survival.

Later, Anduin plans the Gathering at Arathi, and doesn’t even think about the effect of having Calia Menethil there. She freaks out, and starts inciting defections amongst the Forsaken. She dies for it, as do many Forsaken.

Anduin also allows for Talanji to be imprisoned without any diplomatic overtures. Then allows for her to be broken out. He’s there in Stormwind for it, trying to find us as we escape, so he is aware. Yet, it all happens around him.

There is an argument to be made that if Anduin let Garrosh eat the food Sylvanas had poisoned during his trial, AU Guldan would not have come later and killed Varian. But the Legion was eventually defeated with Anduin and Sylvanas at the helm of their respective factions - so I guess that’s a wash.



These threads are metastasizing.

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A grand and epic fantasy, rivaling the likes of Tolkien, Martin, Pratchett, and others in terms of skill, scope, nuance, and poignancy. Haven’t you heard the writer and dev interviews where they bask in the success of their handiwork?


I would take an inanimate rock over either.


Can we get basic campfire back?


Sure, as long as it doesn’t burn any ancient trees.

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I believe you have spelled WOORDEN TOWAH incorrectly.

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No promises, it would still be a horde warchief. Only a matter of time for MoP3 where we have to help Gamon rebel against a maniacal basic campfire so that we can learn what it really means to be horde.


I think they could make Anduin better if they focused more on what he’s trying to do to make peace. It would be cool watching a character try to make peace with someone or a group who explicitly does not want it. But all we get is some sad words or an inspiring speech from time to time.

But then the same could be said just in reverse for Sylvanas. I don’t really care for either I want to follow the night elf story, so I eagerly await out next saurfang cinematic about how sad it must be to have to kill a bunch of them.