I'll still take Sylvanas over Anduin

Small wonder the people of the Horde support the current Warchief. She heard they liked Basic Campfire. She gave them a fire.


Now it all makes since.


In another timeline Iā€™d argue that. But everything WoW now is just so awful, only hang on to watch it burn away.

ā€¦and hope the dev team and Ion are given a vacation from touching any game ever again

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I meanā€¦ Iā€™d prefer Sylvanas over Anduin too because Sylvanas is Horde. Why would you even want an Alliance racial leader as the Warchief anyway?


i wish i can say that i disagree.
but anduin is justā€¦ a way more inferior version of jaina in pretty much every aspect. and at least she did had a character arc, multiple.

What did anduin had ā€¦?
always perfect choices, no greater sacrifices and he have advisors to guide him and who for some reason treat him like he is more important than anyone else, 2 sovereign leaders of nations treat him as the damn emperor, but WHY?!

and why the hell they named him king of the alliance or leader of the attack in lordaeron, can someone please explain to me?

please horde, raid stormwind and get rid of him i will help you guys in that mission.

and i like how he is going to send jaina to save baine.
because he is useless.
At least sylvanas is playing some 20d chess, i can respect that, even if it fails horribly.


Anduin couldnā€™t lead out of a wet paper bag without author fiat.


If I had to choose my leader to be:

Amoral, will commit genocide on their enemies at the drop of a hat, has an aggressive plan to make a better future for their half of the world population.

Child given control of half the world through nepotism that believes in peace no matter how many of their half the world population have to die for itā€¦

I guess Iā€™d want the former.

I hope Ion finds happiness and success after returning to his career as a corporate lawyer.

This was the first, the others are trolls mocking it. Because they love Anduin I guess?

Oh, really? I thought the Baine thread was the first. My b

Anyway, cease and desist order stands regardless.

Posting in a yaaaaaas queen blood elf thread about Sylvannas on my male human paladin.


I prefer people whose motivations I know.

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who would side with ā€œcant do wrong because of magic bonesā€ anduin?


Carma, Carma Carmaā€¦ still fishing for those easy upvotes I see.


And itā€™s nice to see you still doing your best to stir the pot for years now, pitting both sides against each other continuously.


Itā€™s hard to judge Sylvanas without knowing what her actual plan is. Everyone knows Anduinā€™s plan. ā€œPeace in our time!ā€

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I donā€™t like how Slyvanus is treating Baine, but I donā€™t like Baine being Anduinā€™s pet either.

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As a NE, I hate the Horde and the human traitors this expansion, but at least Iā€™m proud of my racial leaders.


This is lies. There is no trolling going on. I just wanted a thread with the same amount of productive conversation that this one was definitely meant to get going!

Me :handshake: Ivalesse

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I am fine with Andiun but his constant ā€œI want peace REEEEEEEā€ has got to stop.

If you want peace then prepare for war. That is what I want to see.
He just isnā€™t very compelling. Even for a wow character.


There are at least three assertions in these 12 words that are questionable at best.