Ignoring users on the forums

Not sure where to post this, but it would be real nice if you gave us back the ability to ignore users on the forums. I don’t know why you had to prune this in the first place.


You can never silence me !!

They didn’t prune it intentionally. There’s already been discussion on it. They’re working on bringing something in place where you’ll be able to handle this kind of thing without a problem. They just dunno how to implement it yet due to this new template they’re using.


right now, you can’t block people unless you know how to add custom css to a website (via a browser extention)

you need their forum id, which you can get from viewing thier profile and adding .json to the end, or if you use inspect element, you can get it by looking at the data-user-id element of the article tag around the post. then do the below

article[data-user-id=“12345”] {display:none;}
^^ just replace 12345 with the id of the person you want to hide, then no posts by that person will show to you.

also i want an ability to stop threads from showing up in my feed that have certain words in the title like “raider IO” or “high elves”


From what I understand, it’s not a feature of the software they’ve implemented. Instead of a home-built version, they’re using something that’s more off the shelf. It’s on the list of things they wish to add to the forums, but we don’t have any ETA as to when it might appear.

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This is the first I have heard of any sort of outline of changes they would like to put in. Do you have a link back to where this is from or is this more through the grapevine?

Thanks for all of the quick responses. It is very frustrating, especially in the games, gaming, and hardware forums, where there are a select group of fanboys who post straight-up lies to sway the hardware purchases of others. Since the moderators don’t do a single thing to clean this up, the best I could do before was to ignore. Now I can’t even do that.


For the background story he’s not innocent either :joy:


Maybe sometime next xpac, when the forums get revamped again… who are we kidding? More stuff will get taken away not given.

Hey, here’s one of them! The guy who owns AMD stock and who has been caught in numerous lies! Who would have thought he’d show up here to continue his trolling? Btw, You, here’s something you just told me: if you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything. So why are you here? :thinking:

This has probably been answered and we don’t really need some big row for 200 posts. Can we please let it die?

Feel free to not click on the thread and not respond if it bugs you so much. And thanks for the bump!

the way this community is this should have been priority one!


I’m going to give you a rainbow of :orange_heart: :purple_heart: :hearts: :blue_heart: :yellow_heart: :heart:'s because I can’t like this sentiment more than once.

I’m of the firm belief that avoiding (or in this case ignoring) people or topics that aggravate you not only make for a better overall forum experience, it also prevents the inevitable :exploding_head: and subsequent rage replies to posts/people.


Once upon a time we used to compare stats on boards and were enthusiastic just because there were options. Kind of like the way things are now. Even back then there were jerks who ran around on some kind of odd ego trip for championing one side or the other.

Then things morphed into Mac vs. PC and the world just went crazy.

If someone runs around looking to champion their choice in an aggressive fashion? You can ignore them without an ignore feature. Just in your head you say “oh, him again.” And don’t engage with him. Just continue like he’s not there.

The worst thing a forum troll faces? Is silence.

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Can you suggest one of these extensions? I just tried StyleBot with the code you posted (replacing the ID), but I can still see You’s posts.

what browser are you using?

Like I said he’s not innocent either, I even told him myself that he can just not read what I say because I have a different opinion

Chrome (10 chars)