Ignoring users on the forums

I would hope that they are working on it. While I am not really a fan of imposed censorship I believe everyone should have the right to govern what they see for themselves.

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you can mute people, not ignore and it doesn’t show their threads and stuff. Just go to your activity page, preferences, interface and type in user name - server.

Seriously, take it back to the other section or stop. No good will come from having your little fight here and being brassed off at everyone.

The question was answered, they know about the issue.

Seriously, thanks for another bump. I’m still talking to others here about browser extensions, muting, etc., but thanks for your feedback!

Yeah, competition is good. I’m always going to buy the best performing part within my price range for my usage case, regardless of what name is on the box. Others might go with best price-to-performance, and that’s fine. Just don’t be a hypocrite; practice what you preach. And don’t hide your motives (like when you own stock in the company you’re pitching).

I generally agree with this. But when I see misinformation, I need to correct it. When I see someone lying or being willfully misleading, I need to respond. Ignoring by no means solves this (you can still see the trigger post when people quote it, for example), but it certainly helps with the self-control. In fact, in psychology, a big part of self-control is setting up your environment for success. Probably works better than “willpower” alone.

I was able to make it work using Stylish. Make sure the quote marks are the straight ones, not the curved one. When I copied the text from the forums, the quotes were the curved ones (which have a name, I just can never remember what it is) and that won’t work, you have to change them.


YOU are my hero. Thank you so much!!!

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