Ignoring users on the forums

Seems to be a bug where I am no longer able to ignore people on
this new variant of the forums. Please fix.

It kinda NOT a bug, just haven’t been implemented yet, we should see and update to the forums soon enough. It has been said by the devs it’s something they would like to re-add.

Can you provide a link to that post?

Right here.


P.S. Someone in general taught me how to use a browser extension and CSS scripts to ignore whoever I please. Works while we wait for Blizz’s move!

Currently it’s my most anticipated feature for the game.

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Same here. Says a lot about BfA, doesn’t it? :X

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Forums really don’t have a lot to do with the expansion, so no, it doesn’t really say anything about BFA, Also you’re braver than I am trusting any advice in general about browser extensions and scripts lol, I honestly didn’t even know blocking people on the forums was a thing (not a big forum-er though) is it really that big of a problem? =|

Umm I think the joke went over your head. That’s ok.

Since I can read the script code and the reviews for the extension, not to mention set its permissions in Chrome, I think I’ll be OK.

A lot of people find the lack of ignore to be problematic. Hence Blizz addressing it directly.