Hey! I lost the post too at some point I think, but here you go:
Hey! I lost the post too at some point I think, but here you go:
Ancient Branch’s health reduced by 40% is trivial. In fact, players may accidentally cleave it down too early, making Germinate align with Branch’s death that they cannot stand in the death zone to cleanse Bleed.
Overgrown Ancient has too much HP given how fast paced the fight is. Either lower the frequency of the phase rotation so people have more time on tiny trees and on free dps window, or lower the boss HP so it is killed within at most 2 rotations if correctly cleaved.
It is clear that you want to miss the point on purpose. I know that the first box is a carousel and I know that box #1 on that carousel (which appears when you log on) is an ad. I also know that it is longer than 5 seconds for it to scroll, it is 10 sec. On top of that, I know that you have to scroll down in order to find important CURRENT information. Which has been my point.
White Knighting does not change the fact that Blizzard’s priority is to sell, not to inform. Which is why the OP believes they are ignoring feedback.
This thread made me stupider.
Please stop, I can’t afford it.
So get better gear?? Sorry you can’t just spam keys without gearing up for them like you used to.
IMO Hard content that requires fully geared people > the crap content where m+ just meant find the fastest route and press 4 buttons while doing it.
Yeah, the Overgrown Ancient could probably use a nerf. Like say, 40% of it’s HP being removed would feel just about right. Even better if it had went live before tyrannical keys could be played tbh
FWIW, this was how SL S1 was too.
I remember healing an M+4 during the first week or two of S1 felt harder than healing most 15-20s in S2/S3.
And that’s considering I got my S3 KSM via pugging before double leggo/tier unlocks when designed around it, just as a personal goal
The good news for players like OP is that gear IS the nerf to content over time, and people barely have much of it. Like even those doing full heroic clears won’t be in full 408 gear yet, even with M+ and PvP gear on tap.
At 382, I was able to keep up in a +14 that barely slipped timer, despite punching upwards of like 13-15 ilvl content.
There is a LOT of room for gear to address these concerns, but more importantly, there is a LOT MORE room for player skill to do so.
You may wish to look up what “trivial” means, as a 40% FLAT nerf would be rather substantial alone, but in M+ it is going to ripple multiplicatively.
I mean, random pugs are MELTING that sucker in 15+ keys at just around 390-394 ilvl.
That’s an ilvl that you can basically get by just spamming M+10s and spending a bit of valor
What the hell are you talking about??? Why should they make people work on CHRISTMAS. Would you want to work on Christmas or would you rather spend time with your family?? Chill out they will probably have more tuning done shortly… Y’all all act like they should be a slave to your wills and not have a single day off…
game’s been up since 2004;
never worked.
You don’t get it…That’s exactly why it works. That’s how you keep nerds playing your game: Make their class and/or spec unviable while one or two class and/or spec o.p.
There you go, you have the fotm effect up and running. As soon as there are this certain number of rerolls BAM, comes the nerf hammer and make they change characters again.
What I’ve been doing since 2004 is stick to my main and be patient.
I would love an expanded dps/healer hybrid, giving Ret more healing utility would be fun imo, I always heal when I’m prot or ret, can’t help myself.
These posts are so funny to me. You want them to write up a thesis statement every time you’re mad about something? The dungeons don’t really feel that bad and we were warned the new keys would be more difficult. We are less than 1 full month (1 month being tomorrow) and only 2 or 3 weeks into mythic+.
I just don’t think it’s worth blizzards time nor is it even feasible to respond to every little complaint everyone has. Play around it. If keys are too hard, take a break from doing keys and do something else.
The tree boss in AA needs further nerfing. It’s overtuned for pugs even at low key levels. That is the first boss in a long time that I’ve seen completely stop multiple groups.
I will admit that the latest dungeon tuning pass was warranted and welcome, but I’m VERY surprised Raging Tempest, the infamous tree boss who immediately commanded respect from every M+ player that does anything even remotely challenging, the last boss in Azure Vault, Sha of Doubt, Teera and Maruuk, Balakar Khan, and Melandrus haven’t caught some fat nerfs after this last Tyrannical week yet.
There are entire classes that are almost completely incapable of healing Sha of Doubt past certain key levels even with respectable gear at the moment. And that’s after his stupid debuff caught a 20% nerf.
But let’s be real; they need to take the tree out back and Old Yeller him. Some of the other bosses I mentioned are either slept on by some parts of the M+ community and other bosses on that list don’t command quite as much respect as they did earlier in the week, but the M+ community almost unanimously agrees that Overgrown Ancient is far and away the hardest boss this season.
What are you talking jesse
They just nerfed and adjusted a bunch of dungeons and classes, and have every weekly reset since patch launch. Look at the hotfix list
Did you type this post during shadowlands and forget to hit enter
I really hope they give you about 10 seconds more time between the tree coming out and the second set of add spawns. Just enough time to comfortably trigger the green heal. I expect they will address it soon
Okay Tricon. You win this round.
In fact, players may accidentally cleave it down too early, making Germinate align with Branch’s death that they cannot stand in the death zone to cleanse Bleed.
Overgrown Ancient has too much HP given how fast paced the fight is. Either lower the frequency of the phase rotation so people have more time on tiny trees and on free dps window, or lower the boss HP so it is killed within at most 2 rotations if correctly cleaved.