Well also they would have to redesign them because they can be swapped easily. Currently they could make them each really powerful for specific situations. But if they make them swappable that would have to change otherwise everyone will be good at everything… and that is just bad design.
I’m referencing BFA, and Legion. Those were super unfriendly to alts.
But you would still need to farm your cloak, to farm your ap, corruptions etc. To do them decently.
There is already enought farm in this game.
Making it so you want to farm multiple of the same class to be optimal has never been really a thing and shouldn’t be a thing in my opinion. We already have people quitting when they can’t balance their class or make those interesting. Adding covenants is playing with fire when BFA is mostly ashes ready to be rekindled.
I don’t foresee anything good coming out of the covenants in their current form. They will need to tune them more than they have balanced classes in BFA and I think anyone with a decent experience in wow know that they won’t nail it. Even racials are broken in certain situations.
Well, yeah.
And now they’re changing direction. Loot+ is gone. Infinite grinding is gone. I would wager a big reason why Blizzard wants to push Covenant locking is explicitly to get people to play alts to experience the different campaigns and to have access to different Covenant abilities on different characters. And the people who stubbornly cling to only one character… well later in the expansion they’ll suddenly have a lot to do when Blizzard inevitably opens the system up and players scramble to catch up on several Covenants all at once.
Because I have a perfect track record calling out an expansions long term issues. This is one of them.
I think there could be something to help alts out a little without ignoring the importance of your mains. An Account level could work, I’ve seen it used before but in Muds. What account level did was set bonus’s to exp and reps and other grinds based on the level of your account. The account level could be a combination of multiple characters exp. The bonus’s however started off really strong at lower levels, but soft capped the closer you got to the power of your main. Eventually tapering off completely. You still had to do the work, you just had to do less of it.
What is with you guys and not understanding that you can want more gear or gear for other specs without the driving force being min/maxing?
legendaries weren’t just upgrades, they defined the spec. jsut like covenant abilities are going to. stop handwaving away desire to play different things with labelling it all min/maxing
and that will be bad for casual players. liek i said with the AP grind, grinds are fine for hardcore players. it is the people between the “i only do old expansion content for tmog and mounts” and the “hardcore min maxers” that suffer with those systems
I honestly don’t see it as an issue.
Actually they can predict that. What do you think sports statistics and things like batting average are? There’s a movie called Moneyball you might be interested in; it’s about using math and inexpensive players with predictable behaviors to create championship teams in the MLB.
i see you moving all kinds of goal posts to justify your own behavior which is identical to the behavior of those you chastise, and i see you making excuses as to why you hated on a system less than 2 months ago that you are now deciding is fine, probably because in doing so you’ve gotten some forum attention
you flamed people saying they weren’t good enough for your groups because they didnt have BiS corruption, and now you’re going around spamming that anyone with gear or covenant or any other requirements for their group is a bad tryhard
Because it would be expected to switch, and we’d only look silly wanting to stick with one unless we had a real reason to.
People are expected to switch talents and specs right now on live and most people on the forums here say they never switch them, or that they like playing off meta specs.
But you would still need to farm your cloak, to farm your ap, corruptions etc. To do them decently.
There is already enought farm in this game.
I doubt Shadowlands will be as farm intensive. Ion already stated that they’ve peeled back the overwhelming need to farm and focused on the Soulbinds and Conduits.
I don’t foresee anything good coming out of the covenants in their current form. They will need to tune them more than they have balanced classes in BFA and I think anyone with a decent experience in wow know that they won’t nail it. Even racials are broken in certain situations.
The way that it seems from Slooty’s information; half of the abilities need to be buffed and have their CD’s increased or nerfed and have their CD’s decreased.
It’s all numbers.
Garrisons, legion legendaries, Early AP in legion, Azerite armor…covenants are going to fall into the exact same category. As they are now I’d be willing to bet 1 wow tokens gold. That come the first major patch the issues will become vastly more apparent.
You mean like people whose “husband” upvotes their post 10 plus times to try to make it seem like there is widespread community appeal? Those kinds of people?
ya because a faction system will just share the powers with you while you help the competition?
That’s why covenants shouldn’t affect gameplay in any way.
But you would still need to farm your cloak, to farm your ap, corruptions etc. To do them decently.
There is already enought farm in this game.Making it so you want to farm multiple of the same class to be optimal has never been really a thing and shouldn’t be a thing in my opinion.
Using the mindset of BFA and applying it to Shadowlands seems completely wrong. Completely wrong. Yes, there are some overlaps in content - M+ exists in both, Raids exist in both, PvP exists in both, and emissaries exist in both, but the systems that contextualize them are substantially different. No more infinite grinding. No more loot+ These fundamentally change the nature of the beast.
and that will be bad for casual players.
Neat. Almost nobody wants to change the legendary system in Shadowlands. It’s so far down the totem pole it hardly exists as an issue, and yet you seem to pretend that people will care about this sort of thing. You change the Covenants now, and very few people will be paying attention to the legendary system, and your personal “core issue” with Covenants is still there.
I agree with the sentiments about Covenants where one Covenant is best at raids and one Covenant is best at PvP can pose a serious problem, even if I think the benefits of the system Blizzard proposes may outweigh the cost (we’ll have to see). But I’m never going to agree with you that off-specs should just get a free pass. The highest points of the game, BC and WOTLK ,have pretty substantial spec-identity mechanics. A tank wore tank loot. An elemental shaman had caster loot and an enhancement shaman wore agi mail. The idea that your specialize in gear for your main spec is a core part of the fantasy. That’s World of Warcraft. Just because Greg Street meddled for a period of time and it’s taken a while to back out all his %%%% changes doesn’t mean his vision of WoW has to or should taint the game forever.
People are expected to switch talents and specs right now on live and most people on the forums here say they never switch them, or that they like playing off meta specs.
And I still get tons of crap for that. For saying I like playing Frost because I’m no good at Fire, and that I have a hard time using Ice Floes so I use Shimmer. But I am expected to switch other things at times, otherwise I’d be taking my favored arcane build with leech corruptions and Blood of the Enemy. And that isn’t going to look very impressive in group PvE content.
I just want covenant choice to have meaning, and I don’t want to have to memorize four of them.
I guess understanding context is hard for some people, sorry my beliefs are probably too complicated for you to understand
Wrath literally added dual spec rofl
And he proved a point to this day Still shows how bad the community is, and still to this day people proving me right. Thank you.