Daestra posted the following on the EU forums and I’m bringing it here as well, as I fully agree with her:
If you ignore somebody it should do the following .
Ignore there whole account/chars
Ignore any topics made by them so they do not show .
If ignored poster makes a post in any thread remove the “ignored content” or whatever it say’s if they are ignored i do not want to see anything they say or to acknowledge they exist at all hence the point of ignore .
Today i have had to add a person 9th alt a well known troll to my list as they keep making new chars with nearly the same name to spam inane posts through the forums its getting annoying now thanks.
Like, I am all for one wanting to have ignore reworked, but if a person is on the ignore list and there is a topic on which you might agree on that they created, then yeah.
I believe this (at one point) was a thing. There was a clown who was responding to me on alts and when I ignored him, I no longer got notifications from when his alts would respond.
No, when you ignore a person you have determined that there is absolutely no subject on which you two can agree, the world and our relationships are thus that black and white, you either agree 100% on everything, or you agree on nothing at all, so the best option is to just ignore everything the person says and writes.
Atleast, that is the current mainstream mentality.
Sometimes, that’s hard to determine unless the person lives in your head. I only ignore people who can’t seem to do anything but insult. Those true trolls who are trying to cause a scene.
I don’t ignore people who I disagree with. That’s petty and shows a lack of composure on your part. Contrary to popular belief, disagreeing, assertiveness, unpopular opinion are not trolling. I don’t know how many forum moderators (including here) I’ve had to educate on this fact. If you ignore people just because they do not agree with you, you’re not here for a conversation, you’re wanting soapbox.
100% agreed. I will never understand those who ignore or even mass flag others simply because they have a different opinion or point of view. It’s petty, as you say. 100%.
I don’t think that the ignore feature on the forums should be a thing because if someone was put on ignore and they are putting in a suggestion or feedback about a change that they feel should be made in the game and everyone in the thread completely ignores that persons and the topic of the thread derails from their original feedback and suggestion, it could really go against one of Blizzard Core Values of Every Voice Matters. Making it so many people put that person on ignore means that they don’t care about their voice on what feedback and suggestions should be applied to the game regardless if their feedback or suggestion may not be ideal or a good one. It’s still feedback they are applying.
That’s actually against the CoC and is flaggable. So the people partaking in the thread derailment would probably get actioned.
I’m not sure you understood Daestra’s post correctly though? The ignore feature is not for Blizzard to ignore players’ threads (be it suggestions or what have you), it’s for other players to ignore certain trolls or people participating in discussions in bad faith. These people don’t usually post constructive feedback to start with.
I don’t think anyone would ignore someone for other reasons than those.
This is why I doubt they’d do it. This happens a lot in the CS forums as myself and others have stated in other threads. The people who heart all comments from Blizzard are known for this. There was an MVP who tried telling me that I was wrong about this but when I pointed out how you can check those who hearted their comments and see that most of them all have the exact 1:1 pet collections, the MVP stopped responding.
I do get that, but I think that even though Blizzard is not ignoring the feedback that all fans should also consider that all voices, even though you may not agree to what they say should be heard. I do get that some people don’t like troll post and such, but an easy solution to that is to not ready them and don’t reply to them.
yeah it used to be this way on the old forums. it would ignore their entire account, so you could easily pick out who their alts were after you’d put them on ignore. it was nice
In your settings, you can “ignore” a player which disabled any notifications from them. When this new forum was first released, there was the aforementioned clown and when I ignored him, I no longer got notifications from his alts. Maybe this was a glitch at the time? Maybe it was a removed feature?
I don’t agree with that. I don’t want all of the millions of players to hear my opinion, just those who are interested (or those who disagree with me).
Our current ignore system already ignores the content of the threads created by people you put on your ignore list.
Oh no no, that’s right - you don’t get notifications from ignored users, and anything they post in your thread are automatically hidden, although it does let you view it by pressing on “VIEW 1 HIDDEN REPLY”.
I guess that what Daestra says is that she doesn’t even want to have the option to see those hidden replies, she just wants the contributions of those ignored users to visually “disappear” from her personal forum experience, without affecting those ignored users’ their forum experience either. Including the alts of those ignored users, cause they hop on their alts and hunt you through other threads. So you have to manually include their alts to your ignore list. And although I doubt Blizzard is going to do anything about it, I totally get that feeling from her.
You mean to tell me you don’t lose your mind over disagreement? gasp
(Yeah, sorry for the sarcasm, but it’s amazing that this is the unpopular opinion.)
But imo, the only problem I have with the ignore feature is that it has a duration. I’ve only ignored 2 people since 2009 (not so much over disagreement, but rather, over how purposefully daft they are), and I hate that I have to refresh it.
as far as i know that never existed here, we didn’t even have the ignore feature at all when these forums first came out. they released it later after a lot of begging from us