Ignore feature?


Thanks for digging this information up.

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Ahhh-- that is notifications only. You still see their posts.

Here. I’ll try to mute you. Is that fine? I just want to try it out.

Edit: Yeah. Looks like you’re right! Dang it!

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Yes, you can ignore people’s posts and threads by just ignoring them but using the ignore feature for someone like wariya, snowfox, etc is the same to me as using adblock to avoid irrelevant spam.

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On mobile do:

  • Tap on your character portrait at the top right
  • Tap the gear icon, named preferences
  • Scroll down a bit and look for a drop down box
    - The box is above the Blizzard Account Management link and your Username
  • Tap on the drop down box and go to “Preferences”
  • Another drop down will appear underneath that, it should default you to “Notifications”
  • Scroll down a bit and you’ll see a Users category and then a box.
    - Type the username into that box
    - EDIT: You may need to type the character’s realm name as well. I don’t know if you will or not, you’ll have to try it.
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Yeah. Discourse doesn’t support it. It’s like a doctrinal thing from the founder, a guy named Jeff Atwood. He doesn’t believe in it.

@Raicolette: Again, that is only notifications. You’ll still see their posts in threads, you just won’t get notifications about them-- the little number above your head in the top right.

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He doesn’t believe in being able to mute others? What a strange notion. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


He thinks it’s contrary to promoting conversations, because it’s a nuclear option. Everybody disagrees with him, but it’s his software so what he says goes.

There was some talk about muting a user for X days, and not allowing a permanent mute, but it never made it into Discourse.

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If you go to your profile, notifications section; you can “Mute” people there.

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Yeah, can still see their posts. It is for notifications only. This is depressing, as the forums were much nicer not seeing certain posters. :sob:


Like Slant has stated a few times, it only mutes their notifications. You can still see the person’s posts.

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An ignore feature is greatly needed. Ignore the user not the post situations do pop up every now and then.


For the record, ignoring other players is a good thing as sometimes there’s just that one person you would probably reply to sarcastically or pick a fight with. Best to toss them in the bin and forget about them.


I love tossing people in bins! I support this!


Helpful. Thank you for posting this. :rainbow:

This may be Blizzard’s new way of ’ ignoring ’ users. The only suggestion outside of this, is to poke the Web Design team asking for the ignore user notifications to also apply to blocking their posts completely. I’m unsure it’ll come though, since this is a copy paste from the Overwatch forums.

I suggest posting in the #support:website-bug-report to get their attention and hopefully the Web Design Team are looking. They’ve responded to a few threads on GD. Linsivi was on the forums yesterday. Suggestions like these, this is the perfect time to poke their ear about it, since they’re reading the forums at the moment.

Only reason I say the Website Bug forums, is that’s the best chance they’ll see it. GD flies by way too fast.


Blizzard has almost certainly become one of Discourse’s biggest paid customers. I know this because my forum was one of the largest Discourse installs on the internet as of last year and it’s waaaaaaaaay smaller than the WoW forums.

If Blizzard went to Discourse and said “we want an ignore feature”, they would listen. So it isn’t hopeless.


Ok. I pinged someone. It’s been added to “the list”. Hopefully an addition we can get.


You’re a doll :heart:

Radical. Glad these folks requests might come through.