Ignite Your Summer with the Midsummer Fire Festival!

bro warbands aint gonna be out until way after the event is over. if i get it on a character cant use it i usually just vendor it.

But it is a solution to the issue so the forum shouldn’t be a dumpster fire because of it. Since you can just put it in void storage/bank/sell it and then item recovery it then sell it again/etc and get it added to cosmetics without worry of what character it goes on. I have stuff from Classic that was removed from the game in some alts void storage still that they can’t use that will be used for Warband transmogs lol.

Are you on a Blood Elf? You may have to do the Heritage to sync the zone back to pre-heritage.

Otherwise I’m not sure.

But it also takes away our ability to fight low drop rates by running alts, if we want to put in the extra time and effort. I think a lot of people who are happy about this change now aren’t going to be by the end of the holiday when they didn’t get something they probably could have gotten by running their alts.

Like some people would run a ton of alts each holiday. Someone who used to have, like, 40 shots a day at a drop, or your 30 shots a day, now have one shot (personally, I’d run around 12). I don’t see the daily stacking drop rate buff making up for that. I have a feeling holiday items are going to be a lot more rare and a lot more frustrating going forward.


Yeah, I am actually pretty bummed about the way this seems to work. I am all for bad luck protection but maybe let me keep multiplying it with my alts? I LOVE collecting. I don’t raid, don’t pvp; collecting IS the game for me. That’s why I have the alt army I do. I don’t feel like I was freed of anything, I feel like it just became only a dice roll and I have no way to increase my chances based on my efforts.


I guess this just works for the mount dress up? If I get it, ok. If not, also ok. Going for the scythe, so only running my priest and warlock. I did get the enchant on my 2nd character and a cloak on my first. But at least I know I only have to do it twice. Downside is the queues are a bit longer since no one has to run an alt army.

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Please do something about the queue times. People aren’t running alts through anymore so queue times are much longer now. I suggested via Feedback to add a buff like the Lone Wolf’s Courage one for Superbloom.


What do you want them to do with the queue times? If a role isnt available, it randomly includes someone out in the open world? Some tank or priest just mining or herbing or whatever and suddenly they get a dungeon pop up with ability to cancel?

Even though I literally just posted queue times are a bit longer, they arent insane (~8-12 minutes). And again, youre only getting at least the main loot on your first run.

Easy. Lone Wolf’s Courage-like buff after 10 minutes in queue. Yesterday I was in queue for an hour because morons kept declining the invite at 4/5 players.

Might be able to make it so 5 of any role can queue. Almost like a scenario?

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That would work. Not sure if them being in actual dungeon affects any of these events. Tank/healer is never needed. Most of these are a min or less (this one is made longer).

Also, protip: there’s a chance at a Khorium vein spawning behind the boss, so if you’re just getting the daily run done, might as well queue with a miner.

100%. Feels like it’s gone from collecting though effort to being an Advent calendar where every day’s single slot might be empty. At least alts all had their own calendar slots to open.

Single dice roll a day, like, why even send us to the boss? Just roll the dice when we log in and send it to our mailbox. Basically the same thing and just as (enormous finger quotes) “satisfying”. At least putting in the effort with alts was enjoyable, in the way finishing a difficult project is enjoyable. All the repeated runs might not be fun but getting the item after all that effort feels good. Rolling a dice once a day makes getting the item feel like ‘who gives a crap?’ Like, I want the saddle, but I keep almost forgetting to even run the one boss run. There’s not as much desire to put in any effort at all.

Yup. Knew this was going to happen too. It was the people running their alt armies that kept run times low. Now, with one run per account per day, what’s the incentive for anyone to run it more than once? And as time goes on and more people get the items they’re after the queue times are just going to get worse.

They should have done some sort of hybrid change where like ten alts also have a standard, non-boosted chance per day. At least then people could still run alts for small extra chances, like before, but would rein in the more extreme alt army farming.

I mean, personally, if someone wants to run 200 alts a day to get some holiday item, I think it’s nuts, but let 'em. Who cares? Who does it hurt (other than maybe them)? But I’m not against an alt army cap (other than zero, of course).

Well, if it comes down to it, they do have follower dungeon tech now. If they’re really sooOOOooo concerned about not wasting our time they’d set up followers for every holiday boss fight. But I don’t see them putting in that kind of effort.


Typical Blizzard monkey paw cursed experience.

What all is special this year that drops only off the boss? Is it just the manuscript?

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That’s the only new thing. There’s the scythe and weapon illusion too. Maybe other stuff, I forget.

See the way this is worded has completely confused the hell out of me. So, 1st chance would go from (hypothetical) 1% to maybe 2%. But the way I read the rest is, each subsequent kill would increase (hypothetical) 1.1%, 1.2%, 1.3% or 1%, 2%, 3% etc. But is that per day or every day after first so day 1, 2% attempt, day 2 3% etc. until event is over?

I was so pissed I didn’t get the Love is in the Air mount cosmetic, I literally just wanted to not play this game again. If I fail to get this 1 because I choose to only try once a day when I could be trying 24 times a day will definitely make me quit.

See this has been done on the previous events and people said it didn’t count if you tried more than once a day. But I launched armies of alts until I got all the rewards and kept going to help others with queue times. If I only get 1 chance a day now and that’s it, which item do I get, because honestly, I am only interested in the cosmetic for the dragon riding mount. If it includes the cloaks, and they influence my chance at the manuscript, someone can get bent.

The way it is worded is confusing on subsequence attempts.

Since I was late to the party, don’t look at in game calendar, don’t go to 3rd party websites to read news about a game I am playing, I am 3 days late (yes, I check forums every day, but I don’t get blue post notifications for events). But my 1st queue today, it took 24 minutes for me to get into the dungeon, I normally run an army of alts per event and would usually get a dungeon within 1-5 minutes. Now if their goal was to increase chance but kill motivation to try more often than the metrics will show this when even is over.

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Nope. Drops from the Satchel of Chilled Goods only.

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Yeah, I read it incorrectly in the article. Thank you. :dracthyr_heart:



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Anyone know where the cold pet comes from? Is it from the Ahune drop? I didn’t see it on the vendor.