Ignite Your Summer with the Midsummer Fire Festival!

Blizzard can’t win with some people, apparently.

Very low drop rate - People complained
Increased drop rate on first kill per day - complaints that drop rate is still too low, players feeling like they have to run it 50+ times a day with no luck while others with only a couple of alts get lucky and get it on first kill
Adds bad luck protection, increases first kill of the event drop rate and removes loot chance (which was absurdly low anyway) from alt kills - “Terrible”


I think when Blizz say the loot only drops on the first attempt per day - they’re referring to the special loot (mount/manuscript), not the regular stuff like weapons/trinkets/rings, etc.

I feel that they are trying hard to find a way to make it easier to get the rewards we want without destroying the challenge. I am looking forward to seeing if this experiment works. If so I suspect they will apply it to other events too. :slight_smile:

I’m in Maine. Summer started on Wednesday when the outside thermometer was maxed out.

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Also in Maine.

Am melting.

ALSO also: Heeeyo, it’s my favorite in game holiday for some reason! I don’t even know what it is, maybe it’s that Midsummer feels more at home in Azeroth than Christmas? Or I just have fond memories of sneaking around with friends and stomping on bonfires. This event just makes me smile.


You know what burns my buns? … a midsummer fire about this :pinching_hand: high.


I watch Griffin Frenchie videos on youtube and those two frenchies speak like this and it’s a.dor.a.ble! Thanks for giving me a smile! :grinning:

You even quoted what you can do.

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The person you quoted was saying this was their usual way of doing it. They are happy they DONT have to do that any more.


This event needs a small update for SoD, given that we cannot complete one of the quests without entering 4 dungeons, and these dungeons are locked. Being Strat, Scholo, DMN, and LBRS

Bad phrasing to “Ignite Your Summer” when the West coast is on fire and the Northeast is under a brutal heatwave.


I’m with you on this. I even wrote on the forums that Blizzard should save us from ourselves since some of us have very little self control. This frees me up from having to do 30+ chars a day running a holiday boss with the bad luck protection kicking in the longer we get no drop.

Thank you blizzard.

The remix exclusive stuff may never return, this midsummer cosmetics will be available next year (I presume.) Focus on the remix stuff if you haven’t gotten all you want yet.

Is the Manuscript a boss drop, currency item, or gold sink?

I guess we need to tell anyone this happens to to hold onto it until prepatch so they can learn the appearance then.

Currency from blossoms

Boss drop, I read it incorrectly. Sorry!

Not sure stuff will be retroactive.

The loot description is convoluted - even by Blizzard standards.

So… if I run the event, and I don’t get the item on that character, any of my subsequent runs on other characters for the day, for that item, will definitely NOT reward that item?

Are you all daft?

Just make it so the chance increase happens once per day and all runs across all alts are still valid.


I just got the fire festival armour on my first Ahune kill of the season.

I have almost all remix mounts and mogs, not quite yet, but almost. I’m just used to spending time flying alts around for the fire XP and have a few I might still do…maybe, haha.

im stuck. im trying to get flame keeper for all the zones and in Ghostlands the bonfire isnt spawning. there are just undead attacking tranqullian. am i missing something?

Warbands…get it on a character that can’t use it then put it in your bank. Once Pre-Patch hits the item is added to your cosmetics.

On another note…what are they considering “loot” in the new “updated loot system” because I got the Midsummer armor for the Wylderdrake on my first character but then also got the Illusion: Deathchill on the 4th. Both came from the bag. If the alts weren’t allowed to get loot from the bag and just Blossoms why did my 4th get the Illusion? That is something listed as loot from the bag. Edit: Checking wowhead the cloaks are also listed as boss loot. 2 of my characters got cloaks as well. So really need to know what is only single character loot.

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