Ignite Your Summer with the Midsummer Fire Festival!

pretty much boils down to, choose a character to run it on daily, and every time you fail to get the item, you get a slightly increased chance for it to drop the following day, with it increasing each and every failed attempt until you finally get it to drop.

a very roundabout way of just giving you the item without actually just giving it to you. when I think about it, its a very obtuse but very blizzard way of going about things. XD

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yeah but we still dont know what the drop rate increases are. there has to be a reason they’re not giving them out…

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we all know its going to start at like 2.5% with 0.1% increases every day.

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It’s hard to say whether the change is good or bad until we have literally any data on what the base chance is and how much it increases each day.

Though if they’re making it so only the first kill per day drops anything, one would hope they converted the Frostscythe to a “Add this to your collection” token or something.

you know very well this isnt going to happen.

I have the frostscythe already, had it for years, along with most of the pets, the toys and the tabards. As for the “mount” which isnt actually a mount, just some tat costume to dress up your jank dragon surfing mount.

yeah i have the scythe to on my warlock but am still irritated by this change.

“Sorry you chose the wrong character, guess you’re out of luck for the rest of the event!”

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well the way its worded i think its per day not per event. so its just for the day.

Wowhead’s tracker exists. It’ll never give a perfect number, of course, but they should be able to work out an estimate that’s at least in the ballpark after a few days.

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except wowhead bases their numbers on people that use their client no? i find a lot of their info lately on drop rates to be somewhat outdated on older content.

To give an example, the Loot-Filled Basket that drops the Noble Carpet mount had roughly 35,000 “loots” contributed to the database. The mount’s drop chance allegedly averaged at a 3% chance from that data.

It might not be exactly 3%, since IIRC they tweaked the numbers a bit during the event, and it’s not pulling the numbers from every player, but the sample size is large enough that you can kind of get an idea of its rarity.

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Well that sucks but how often did people ran mythic Garrosh on a non-plate char?
But still, if it drops, hold on to it because next expansion you should be able to learn it.

Here the start of winter is June 1st, and lasts till August 31st.

So if I am reading it correctly, it means that only one character on an account has the chance to win the item from the holiday boss. You go in on Day 1 on your character, and you then need to use that particular character each day you want to try for the boss drop. Each day you dont get it, your chance increases of getting it on another day.

So effectively, each account has 15 chances to receive that drop. Do I have that right?

If so, my chances need to be damned high before the end of those 15 days, or I’ll be having serious words with Blizzard. The Gnome will be speaking to ya, Blizz! :sunglasses:

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Only took 2 decades to increase drop rates. But I know maliciousness is somewhere in here, they likely put things back to a 1 in 2000 chance or something dumb.

Some parts of the world considered* may, june and july to be summer. Notably nothern europe. Because leaf abscission in trees begins as early as september there. While in most other places of the nothern hemisphere it doesn’t happen until mid october.

*Pretty sure no nation still considers May to be part of the summer. It is mostly a pegan thing.

From 3% to 5%!

3%to 4% 33% increase.

A increase you say? Just like the carpet mount from Easter that was increased but I never got. I killed the boss everyday on 15 toons.


But…I’m doing Remix stuff… I don’t have time to ALSO fly alts around putting out fires for XP. How will I decide what to do?? /firstwowproblems