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Either your a hypocrite for being upset this is happening or you don’t care at all about anything apparently.

Nobody’s going to bother reading this entire pile of trash. You’re making excuses, and trying to make people feel guilty about a bunch of things they have no control over. You’re just as much as piece of crap as your entire post.

noooo i must justify my continued consoooomerism.

I think the gist of my post was that boycotting anything that causes harm is impossible, we wouldn’t really survive as well as we do. The main takeaway is that I was simply pointing out irony, but most people aren’t able to read correctly it seems. Alot of people are accusing me of defending blizzard while in the very beginning of my post I did the opposite.

nope, I am not interested in your trying to making them equal injustices to what you mentioned in the first paragraph. Like really you are comparing livestock deaths to a person’s death.

Generally speaking I think those people want to stop others from taking a stand so they don’t feel bad for not taking a stand. I agree with you that an effort should be commended.

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You accuse me of making people feel guilty while attempting to make me feel guilty.

Funny how irony works, right? That, or logic.

I read most of it and I am sorry I did. I have to debate about putting someone on ignore now because their thought process makes me think any discussion would be pointless.



I’m sorry, but I just can’t manage to move past this line…

Ok. But what is the irony? People have to pick their battles- precisely for the reason you are saying. (Assuming that you actually meant “everything” when you typed “anything.”)

The difference is that you should. XD

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I think your reply just about sums up the state of humanity. We think we’re better than everything else, including animals (and other “lesser” humans as well).

To answer your question, do I believe “livestock” (living beings) are less important than us? (Other living beings)

No, I don’t think we’re better in any way. That’s why I avoid eating meat, not that I’m perfect either.

I’m absolutely disgusted by the fact that I ever gave this company my money in the first place. I do hope the entire company burns to the ground in the lawsuit and the innocent employees find a better place somewhere else.

I think you’re a bit too emotional probably. Wanting an entire company to be destroyed over the actions of a few (or several dozens) of depraved people would singlehandedly destroy the economy overnight if your standard of justice was applied to every company in the world.

We can be a bit smarter and realize that every group of people has a negative aspect, and by addressing and removing that aspect the company can grow into a more positive thing.

There’s no need to want anything to burn to the ground and have thousands of innocent people lose their jobs over your fleeting feelings.

yup, always go with your first instincts

Unless you remove the entire management…nope. Considering that Brack himself tried to cover up everything and gave only slaps on the wrist against these disgusting “human” beings.

But, who am I kidding they will place all the blame on Afrasiabi who will serve as a scapegoat, some people will get a bonus in order to leave the company and then continue as usual.

ah yes, quit a company because of one thing meanwhile backing a company from Japan, a country known for literally doing what Bliz does but on a national scale :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you know some research has come out that trees know their offspring? And some flowers seem to grow differently depending on the emotions of the people tending them? I mean c’mon, Khenja, you writing “not that I’m perfect either” just means that by your definition you are a hypocrite and besides most everyone else here, you are a BIG hypocrite for calling others hypocrites.

See how this could go on forever? Isn’t it just simpler to acknowledge that taking a stand on everything is impossible but it is okay to pick your battles?

your whataboutism is showing

I think we established that we’re all hypocrites long ago. You’re accusing me of pretending that I wasn’t hypocritical, when I said no such thing.

Has reading comprehension gone out the window?