If you're stuck at 1400 rating it's NOT youre fault

The reason why it’s not youre fault is because a lot of the casuals have all but stopped pvping by now. Basically what’s left is nothing but try hards who hang around the 1200-1600 bracket and that makes it hard for new players to gain any rating.

I’ll give you an example. Last night I was helping my friend cap his rdruid on my warrior. Keep in my druid friend is a fresh 120 with like 70k hp and still wearing legion gear and questing greens. Well, every match we fought against players with like 120-130k hp fully geared. really lame


agreed games trash only boosters and blizzcon alts at the 1400 bracket
1600 bfa is basically wrath or mop gladiator


Same, idk why these boosters are gatekeeping us at 1400. I know that they’re boosting becuz no one cc chain at 1400. It’s impossible.


Maybe you were always 1400 and warriors were over tuned start of bfa?


There’s always been super geared people in that bracket. They’re there because that’s their skill level. I highly doubt you’re consistently running into carries game in and game out that would be gatekeeping you from getting out of 1600.


I do see a lot of glad and arena master titles in 2s from 1400-1700. I barely arena anymore though, but there are a lot from my experience


My husband :man: big daddy dozer :weary: telling it like it is :sweat_drops::wink::kissing_heart:


lmao what the fuk am I reading right now


Well I’m 1900 almost 2k CR but OP does somewhat have a point. I’ve fought some pretty tough teams in the 1600 mmr range that kept me or my partner CC’d for literally 30 seconds straight at a time, and 100-0’ing within 2-3 seconds.

Weirdly enough teams have gotten a lot easier to fight after 1800 cr just haven’t had much time to climb lately.

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You all sound like a bunch of paladins who don’t know how to put BoP on their action bar.


Everyone’s got a purge today bruh. Cmon

huh? ………………….

yeah bruh idk about this purge thing. but who says you cant hit a girl in smoke?

still LF that purge button…

is purge here?

or is it here?

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the majority of classes can not if fact purge. too many excuses.

Priests? Can purge.
Demon Hunters? Can purge.
Hunters? Got pets that purge.
Mages? Can purge.
Warlocks? Can purge. (with pet)
Shamans? Can purge.
Blood Elfs of any class? Can purge.

Basically half of all healers queing in arena’s are shamans or priests, meaning almost every comp I que into has purge. If I’m not LoS with BoP then you can guarantee it won’t last longer than 1-2 seconds before it’s purged off. I don’t even main hpally lol.


MD is not a purge and has a cast time. DH has a CD. Belf has a CD. Mages have a large mana cost. Insta cast purges can be handled by everyone but a druid.

assuming you beat the GCD