If you're stuck at 1400 rating it's NOT youre fault

Priests actually have a normal spammable purge that’s not MD.


The 1600 bracket is for new players?

And 130k hp is not even close to fully gared, fully geared people have around 165k hp.

And it takes about 2 days to get 360ilvl. So maybe teach your friend how to play and get geared?

Lmfao i am dead :skull::joy::rofl:

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I was just about to swoop in and say this

I stand corrected. I never see it used.

yea usually

Because at that bracket you see people either learning how to play or gearing their Alts. It’s literally called “Dispel Magic” removes 1 friendly buff from the target , on the GCD.

… im guilty of the MOP One i wont lie XD LOLOL!!! But! not the wrath one, i never got to play wrath and i regret it. So you right yes. Its trial and error tho.

I can definitely agree with this, first hand i know how you feel. and i wont lie, some COMPS play like INSANE GLads …

I feel bad for anyone who doesnt play with irl friends. Everyone I’ve ever added as an “e-friend” off lfg has never messaged me again. Good luck as a new player trying to break into the good ole boys club of 2k+ pvp’ers. Solo queue would fix this issue but all the people who are high rated already are networked with partners so they dont give a flip

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this is a thing that’s happened since forever, it’s called the rat league and it is a black hole

Any suggestions in fixing this problem?

I noticed it a lot more around 2200 mmr. kinda gave up after the 50th match of double r1 and some hardstuck for the past 9 years 1750 dude.

If you are a blood elf you do have a purge dudes

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I queued my alt lock in arena at 310 ilvl to start mid way through the season and by the end of the first week while maintaining a full time job pushed 2k in 2s queueing with scrubs in the morning from LFG.

Pretty sure your issue is skill.

people forget there are 19 races now… so one out of every nineteen maybe.

it’s one in ten though looking at realm pop. maybe 2/10 if you round up all four.

Blood elf has the best mogs tho so you see lots of em in arena

carried holy pally friend who has never done arenas on my demo lock up to 1600, 1400 is not hard. troll post is troll post