If you're releasing fresh Hardcore servers, do the same but for normal fresh servers

You legitimately do not understand how combat or leashing works.

Dude… Classic was released in 2019… It’s been 4 YEARS already, and people want ONE fresh start server. After 4 YEARS people want ONE fresh start server, that does not even cost anything to Blizz (making a new server is pure resource management nowadays).

If we get a new fresh start every 4 YEARS, I’m not even sure if WOW will be a thing before we got a second fresh server. Hell I don’t even know if I will be alive…

Your crusade against a fresh start server is just PATHETIC, gtfo go play whatever you like, let people have fun, stop being obnoxious for christ sake.


as a lvl 52 HC player, I think I know a thing or two about combat and leashing, thanks :expressionless:

I am for it let the nay sayers say nay and be stupid

Getting to 52 has absolutely nothing to do with your knowledge on griefing or combat flagging. Otherwise you’d know you’re wrong.

I think everyone gets that, the part that’s not so fleshed out or validated is why that matters. When one asks that question, they will get a wide range of varying opinions steeped in the very personal bias and beliefs of the person answering - none of which comes close to being an actually good reason to open a new server.

The short answer is, it doesn’t matter. That doesn’t make people who want them wrong in any way nor are they prohibited from asking. What they cant do is argue it from the point of necessity - legitimately anyway - but its always coaxed in the terms of ‘fresh’ being very important when its more fetish than anything else.

Its an exact copy of the very same game. The server might be new but the game isn’t. It will become just another progressed server - which is the problem in the first place. Knowingly becoming the thing you hate doesn’t really sound like a worthy goal for a server nor does it really resolve anything.

The players aint all that fresh either - or growing in population. So you can expect all the usual stuff like dungeon boosting, bot gold, gdkp everything, bracket mafias - the works.

So yeah, when someone says “duh its not a progressed server” - okay tell me something I dont know. I mean, its true - a P1 reboot is not a progressed server but you’re not really saying anything.

Maybe you can see why there’s some criticism - or not - up to you.


Because we don’t want to be carried through everything. We want to raid with a team of similarly dungeon geared players, not naxx players. We want to BG with people before epics are widespread. Simple

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It matters because on a fresh start realm, your character matters from the get go. If you start on era, you get to the endgame and will get carried through all of the content by characters in full naxx gear. It doesn’t matter if you’re there or not. You are simply a tourist. In PvP, you have 0 chance at fighting back against someone in T3.

Do you really not see why either of those things matter? It’s not fun to be useless in a game. A fresh start puts everyone on the same field, everyone is useful, unlike the guy in mc with full greens in a raid full of naxx geared characters that are doing 5 times the DPS of that one character.

Then dont.

Then do that.

See above. If you simply all starting queuing for BGs, the lower level queues would start popping again and drown out the ‘dead’ population of Era players. Don’t allow yourself to be a psychological victim of herd-mentality.

It matters to you, which makes it personal. Its a preference. There is nothing inherently wrong with that - everyone has their preferences -but that’s still not a reason. Its something you want, not something that’s needed to start a new character.

A reason looks something like ‘all the servers are full with long queue times which means there are not enough of them to meet the demand’ - not ‘my level 43 is a ways behind in comparison to the Phase the server is currently in which irks me for some reason.’

You can easily replicate a fresh start experience on an existing P6 realm or cluster. Naxx being open doesn’t mean anything or affect someone looking for a Stockades or Ragefire Chasm dungeon crawl. It requires a little more thought and responsibility for creating said experience which is probably why people ask for fresh servers - they prefer if someone else recreated that experience for them instead of taking ownership of it themselves.


Drown out the naxx players? You realize there’s usually 5 full battlegrounds going round the clock?

Because progression is the name of the game and having zero progressive patches or phases is against MMORPG 101.

The fact era is still existing and having a 2nd wind is incredibly uncommon in this market.

Laughs in 2019 classic launch. Yea I’m sure there will be no differences in a player driven sandbox MMORPG. None at all lmao. Same players, same guilds, same everything right?

You can start from level 1 and progress all the way to T3 on an P6 server.

Putting a date on when attuned players can do BWL is not progress. You’ve already done BWL. Patches and phases in the context of Classic Era are just arbitrary time gates in a game that’s closing in on its 20th birthday.

Classic Era WoW isnt a sandbox nor was Vanilla on which it is based. Its still very much a theme park - its more sandboxy than most of what came after it but that’s as close as it gets which isn’t all that close in comparison to an actual sandbox MMO. The player contribution of cookie cutter meta everything or be ostracized doesnt say sandbox either but it is player driven, so you got that right at least.

I can run LBRS a hundred times in a hundred different groups, at different times, different days of the week across servers on different toons but at the end of the day its still LBRS regardless of the particulars.

Same goes for Era as a whole. Fresh is just a copy of that game. If its the same game and its almost twenty years old the collective experience isn’t going to be anything no one has seen or experienced before. Its a new server, that’s it. Some people are really into that sort of thing and more power to them - its just not a real problem with a real solution.

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if some dude drags a bunch of mobs to me and vanishes, they don’t just start wailing on me. it’s never happened, unless of course i get on their aggro table by attacking them or buffing/healing the guy dragging them over. this is how it works :expressionless:

this is how it works for me. i don’t know what to tell you guys :expressionless:

And one pvp and/or pve TBC Era server(s) please :slight_smile: