If you're releasing fresh Hardcore servers, do the same but for normal fresh servers

Do you still think making a character on a fully progressed server is the same as a phase one server?

No one is going to take you seriously. You just look retarded. Please stop harming this community with who you are. You just make us look bad.


why? you’re not hardcore enough?

I’m not calling you less of a player but 

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I just don’t fancy the idea of deleting a character I spent days leveling just because some rogue vanished a bunch of elites on top of me

you dont have to delete it.

you can keep it perma-ghost.

Well I like to play my characters I invest days in, not simply look at their ghosts on the character selection menu.

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BTW this is not a proof. They pick and choose what raids to do. For instance some of the HC guilds are doing ZG before MC as they do not have the numbers or confidence in gear. This choice is not available on a progressive realm until later phases.

All you are pointing out is people choosing what raids they feel they can clear. If an HC guild wanted to pay the gold for attunement and walk into naxxramas before ever setting foot in another end game raid they could. Not possible on a freash realm going through phases.


I know this hurts your feeling, but fresh is coming. And era is about to go ghost again.


 play safe? plenty of people have reached 60 as HC.

Playing safe in a game centered around adventure and danger is pretty funny.

Then don’t? No one is compelling you to delete anything.

No one will force you to play the inevitable fresh/som 2 coming soon to a server near you either.

I’m gonna just post this rhetorical question again:

How many tier 3 toons are strutting around the RP realms right now?

Desperately resorting to the War Effort (Phase 5!) as some Bastion of Fresh is genuinely hilarious considering these same folks think the game is ‘dead’ before that event even kicks off. Pathetic, really!

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sounds to me like hardcore is too hardcode for you

a bunch of elites in that situation would just reset, unless you did an AoE attack or something and got on their aggro list :expressionless:

Local aggro would probably have something to do with it too. Here’s a video except with a hunter pet

You can. Just go into your addon folder and disable HC. Rez character and resume playing. It’s not like you’re on a real HC server where it would be blocked or deleted automatically. Enjoy!

They should do both, but at different times. Do SC later. Let people have fun with HC first. Too much overlap in the player base.

I am waiting for fresh but want HC players to get what they want as well!

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Soon fresh

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and a tbc server for those who do not want classic or wrath blizz pls