If you're releasing fresh Hardcore servers, do the same but for normal fresh servers

Self-explanatory. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that HC servers will be released (datamined code), so if Blizzard is releasing fresh HC servers, they should also release fresh normal servers (as in Pve/PvP).

The growing population of the Whitemane realm cluster certainly suggests demand for a normal fresh Classic Era server


highly doubt blizzard wouldnt release both
personally itll be hard for me to choose between HC and SC :expressionless:


You’re free to start a fresh start on another realm/cluster. You even have the option of a free xfer to the Mankrik/Whitemane clusters if things get too lonely for ya.


But those are already fully progressed. What I’m pushing for is at the very least another Season of Mastery with some tweaks here and there


They’re effectively in phase 1 until enough of the levelers reach attunement level. Then it’ll resume progressing through the 20mans and 40s

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Fresh start means progressive phases. That is not a thing possible on era. For someone who seems to like vanilla you dont seem to understand that basic concept.


Vanilla happened in the early 2000s. You aren’t getting Vanilla without inventing a time machine. This is Classic WoW.

Nonsense. You can readily progress through the phases of content on Classic Era. The HC playerbase is proof-positive of it.

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But the server itself is already progressed. How are you this dense? Its really easy to understand lol.

People don’t want to just start a fresh character they want a fresh REALM. There is a HUGE difference you are being disingenuous to act like they are the same thing.


With the exception of the War Effort events, what’s different? You’re the one that’s disingenuous when we have just observed entire fresh communities springing up on the RP realms. Grift elsewhere.

How am I grifting lol.

You honestly think starting a new character on a fully progressed realm and starting one that is in phase 1 where no other content is currently available until it progresses is the same thing.

You give classic era a bad look with this level of stupidity.


The AQ gates are open on every server. The naxx invasion is passed on every server.


I mean I don’t recall seeing a warrior decked out in full T3 in Phase 1 of Classic…

Guess we just push the event which arguably marks the peak of not only Vanilla but also the entire game to the side

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The equal playing field argument is a meme. As soon as the first person steps into the world, the equality vanishes. They won’t be on the same footing as the second, third, etc. that enter the world. That’s the inherent design of MMORPGs.

BTW, how many naxx toons are walking around the RP realms right now?

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Yes this is exactly the same as the entire server being fully progressed when you make your character. What a full retard viewpoint. Calm down simple jack.

Get over the fact you dont want to stop playing era. People want fresh because they enjoy everyone starting over and a timeline progressing on a server as a whole. It is really really easy to understand. You just want to continue gearing more toons on era it seems. So invested in pixels lol.


It’s the same as playing wrath. No real goals just make new toons and gear them up and log off

ERA people wants newbies for one shot in pvp.


the war effort events are huge and disprove your entire thesis alone :expressionless:

God you are so dense.


That’s a pathetic grasping at straws. No one plays wow for the War Effort. The HC communities efforts have shown that phresh isn’t needed for the community to enjoy a re-roll event. And, again:

How many t3 toons are walking around the RP realm RIGHT NOW?

Hardcore isn’t even comparable to fresh. It’s practically single player. Yes the war effort is a huge factor for fresh. The social drama and rivalry surrounding bug wars is a gigantic thing.

You don’t seem to grasp the concept of server rivalries