If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

And again that’s dishonest. They didn’t “explode.”

You are a dishonest person, and as such, your views on this topic are utterly worthless. You saw to that.

Schrodinger’s gold prices.

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Join a Guild
Run MS > OS
SR Runs

Plenty of options. Sorry you can’t swipe your credit card to BiS as easily anymore


Lol, you’re factually wrong. Prices tripled, which I found hilarious and unexpected. You’re clinging to an objectively false argument that isnt even the topic of this thread.

I can make stuff up too, dude.

You’re a dishonest troll. You’ve earned an ignore.

Try to be better. Not just at life, or at this game… Just in general. You’re pretty lacking.

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Another 0 substance post with nothing but accusations and nothing to refute my factual statement

Personal attacks make the strongest arguments afterall :upside_down_face:

Thanks for the bump

Funny how easy it is to scare off these forum trolls. Someone I can’t debate with? Panic, attack them, and move on to other threads with less capable opponents!

How’s that been working out for you in this disaster of a phase so far?

this feels a lot like projection at this point.

yeah… I already know I am like super smart. too bad that does no good when everyone in the world is like you.

“math boring
data boring
ooooooo a squirrel. I like squirrels”
~ the average forum troll


You talking about yourself or me? Anyway, still not making any points I see.

you would get an F in business 101. I don’t teach exploratory courses so it makes sense that you don’t understated me.

we were debating the profitability of botting and I asked for the relevant financial data.

you know… so we can do some analysis. financial ratios. profit analysis EBITDA etc.

Bring it back. The game is really hurting now that the new content is fading…need to gear up alts and rolling is the most frustrating system there is.

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Sir, this is a Wendys, I mean wow forum, and we’re talking about loot from BFD and Gnomer. How does your financial analysis help me with losing gear to 8 people rolling on literally everything that drops? Or a 4/6 or 5/6 failed run because nobody can be bothered to prepare and they “have to go” after a couple wipes.

you are trying to get out of this discussion in a very silly manner

You said that gold sellers dont care about the price of gold. I assume that is because you have some financial data.

I only know what I can see from a consumer perspective.

the price of illicit gold has fallen almost 75% in the last week. I can make some assumtions based on what I know about their inventory. you know…Liquidity ratios…

I assume you have some of what most companies look at as internal data… the stuff that goes into profit analysis.

Please give it to me so I can review it. Until then I only have your feelings and conclusions.

I can make liquidity assumptions… where are you coming up with your assumtions on profitability?

All this talk about ratios brings me back to my answer to the OP

Someone needs to come up with a mod that assesses real time performance so we can reward based on more meaningful way.

it would have to be an algorithm based on gear score, raid uptime, and damage/threat/healing output. Logging doesn’t do all this, so I am not making some warcraftlogs point.

use the value to help determine loot distribution.

basically WAR for WOW

then they need to extend the binding period on BOP and add the option to hide drops. this is last part is on blizzard. the add-on is on us.

Not sure that’s actually viable but it would be a hell of a lot better than current state and would actually address some issues!

That’s more of a Retail mind set wouldn’t you say?

it is all that I could come up with when asked the OP.

did you have something you would like to add.

the OP would like to know alternatives to GDKP–I assume they mean additionally to the ones provided already.

I gave it all I could. Now it is your turn.

Weekly quests for a decent chunk of Gold for killing the last Boss.


I like that. Anything that pushes people to finish.

how do you feel about extending the soul bind delay so that raid leaders have the option to hold loot until the very end of a raid?

also, how do you feel about letting people hide the loot drops until the end?

it could have consequences, but i think tools like these would help raid leaders keep things together.

note: blizzard has changed bop times before. they can do it… a slider for raid leaders would be great. Raid leaders should decide the max. blizz should set the min bop time.

With this kind of a loot system a leader can simply “hold” items until everyone else has to go or gives up on the run and claim they or their friends are the only players left to get any loot.

It also doesnt solve these